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A member registered Apr 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Sorry to say, but I still crash sometimes when pressing escape on windows...

Also, it looks like you published the Windows Test 3 instead of the Mac Test 3 on this page

I just found another bug -- If you have every other block broken on a wall down a hole, hug the wall with the broken blocks, and break a block below you so you fall down it, it can cause you to fall slower than normal.


good changes, I think!

couple issues:

Platform: Windows 10

  • Chunk and world height borders don't update when loading new chunks, but rather load just enough to fit the screen and a bit past. The debug menu needs to be retoggled to load new borders.
  • The crashing on Windows when pressing ESC is less common (I think, anyway?), but still happens. It does not seem to be dependent on the seed, position, movement, blocks placed, buttons pressed, or time spent in the world.

more feedback:

  • As much as I like the new character sprites, something smaller and/or less obtrusive for the held block might be good.
  • In the same vein, I'm not sure I like the held block pointing towards the cursor. Smaller blocks might help with that, or just making it static or reducing how much it can move around.
  • Overall though, the new character is a big upgrade from the white rectangle.
  • The ability to automatically step up single blocks like in Terraria would be nice, especially since the jump height is four blocks.
  • When zooming in/out, requiring one press per chunk, or slowing the rate of zooming would help prevent loading too many chunks at once, and make it easier to set a precise amount of chunks to load.
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Looks interesting so far! After playing around a bit, I found a couple bugs and a few things to suggest.


- The game sometimes crashes when pressing Esc, but I haven't fully figured out why yet. I think it often seems to happen if the debug menu has been opened at least once, when fully stuck in blocks, or right when creating a world, but it's not 100% and may be caused by other things yet.

- Blocks can be placed on the player

- Blocks can  be placed off-screen if the mouse can move off-screen, such as by having a second monitor

- Minor lag spike when crossing chunk borders

- White line in the sky where the chunk borders stop showing


- Add missing controls to the main page -- Q, Shift, Plus/Minus

- Add coordinates to the debug menu

- Add a max and min height to where the player can go, or some type of respawn button

- Add a max/min zoom level

- Falling momentum shouldn't build up while stuck in a block, and should be reset when teleporting

But anyway, good work so far and I'm interested in seeing where this goes if you continue working on it.

The custom powerup option enables powerups that weren't in the original game, which are the Ice Flower and Propeller Mushroom

You may have downloaded the update incorrectly. Try redownloading it, and don't drag it onto the old version to replace it; instead, just download it by itself. You may also want to delete the old files.

If you get the downloaded version then fullscreen is available, it's just disabled on the web version due to some issues

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I'm not staff, and the information I provided to you didn't help the original person - they were likely only asking for fullscreen support because it doesn't currently work, so they already knew what I told you

Giving out inaccurate information isn't something I'd call "lucky". And when you say staff, I assume you mean the creator?

You can't enable fullscreen on the web version

Yes, all versions can play with each other. The versions you listed can also play with players playing on the web version.

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Mobile devices are currently not supported

What exactly does the message say? just "(EXPLOTING)"?

have you done anything that might get you banned from the game? such as using a modified version of the game?

if not, then you may want to try asking for help on the discord server.

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Are you using a VPN? Are you trying to play with multiple people on the same IP address? Either of these may cause the error to appear

You're the guy with the fake ipodtouch0218 accounts and the "gaming channel" account that it supports, right?

The android version is not official, you'd need to contact the creator of the mobile version instead of asking here

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There are various causes for that error. These are:

-If you're trying to use a VPN, as VPNs are banned

-If you're trying to play the game with 3 or more people on the same IP

-If you're banned from the game

If you need any more help, try asking on the discord server.

If you want to change your colour, it can be done in the lobby menu.

You can't make custom colours in-game. You can either try to mod new colours into the game yourself, or submit a colour palette on the discord server for a chance of it being added.

The reply he got for the android version also applied to the web version. However since a new update has now released, the web version (and all other official versions) have those maps enabled by default.

Read the reply you got on your request for these on the android version

It doesn't work on the web version, you'll need to download the game for that.

no I am not, the creator is ipodtouch0218

If by debug modes you mean the WIP maps, they can be accessed by typing "/debug" in a private lobby

Some servers had to be temporarily disabled due to being filled with bots. This will hopefully be fixed soon.

the web version does not currently support fullscreen. You'll need to download the game if you want that

There's no official way to play splitscreen 

you can view/change controls by going into Options > Controls from the main menu

Fullscreen has been disabled on the web version for now due to some issues, you'll have to download the game to play in fullscreen properly.

Custom keybinds are already an option in-game

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although it appears that someone may be working on a mobile version, not sure when or if it will be released though

They've mentioned on the discord that they will most likely not make a mobile version

A little easy, but not a bad game. You can pretty much just strafe back and forth while holding shoot (unless it ramps up in difficulty as you go on)