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A member registered Sep 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Everything about this game is really good especially the visual aspect and concept of this game. This has good potential. 

Really like the audio that comes from this game. Really like the fact that it is a game that makes you so frustrated to the point where it is enjoyable at the same time that you just won’t stop. One thing I would say is maybe the monologue part could have a skip function.   This has potential. 

I like the visual aspect of this game. Although when playing the game, it is quite slippery when walking around and jumping, and the enemies hitboxes could be a little jerky at times. Enemies would sometimes fly off of the platforms and get stuck which you wouldn’t want.  I also found that double jumping on the second level of this game would just break the game and cause Mario to go under the floor. Overall, I’d say this is a good submission. 

I’ll probably fix that at some point but thanks for the comment anyway.