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Serratroz Game Studio

A member registered Feb 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We are glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to record as much as you like.

Obrigado pelo toque! Vamos consertar assim que possível.

That game is amazing! Loved how you implemented the theme. Fan-freaking-tastic. I had a blast playing it!

Took me a while to understand the controls, but it became very fun when I figured out. Loved the graphics and gameplay.

Loved the art and the level progression. Good work!

Thank you so much for your feedback. It actually has music, but it bugged out on the production build, and I only noticed after the deadline :( . We’ll fix this once evaluation ends, to stick with the event rules.

Thank you very much! We appreciate your kind words. Our artist worked VERY hard on this project.

Thank you very much! Our artist worked very hard on this, and she is very happy with your comment.

Project Deeper

"You wake up in a deep, dark maze. You can barely see what's beyong your arm's reach. The floor and walls seems to be made of stone... and it's so cold in here. What happened? How did you get here? And... how do you get out???"

With a limited sight, you must traverse these dark, dangerous halls to find the lights and scape... or be lost forever. Can you escape this darkness?


About the Game

Project Deeper is a game where you must explore a maze in complete darkness, avoid it's traps and find a certain amount of lights to escape. To do so, use the arrow keys to move the character and explore the maze. It's that simple.

Our Goal

This project aims to raise awareness by ilustrating the mind of someone with depression and how hard is for those afflicted by it to find their way out of that inner darkness.

A Project On Going...

This is a early stage/concept version of the game. New updates will be delivered weekly, including bug splashing, new content and visual updates, and your feedback is essencial for it's development. Please let us know of any bugs you find and any comments and suggestions you may have.

Also, if you enjoy the game and want to support the dev team, please consider to leave a donation.

Thank you for playing!

Main Menu

The beginning. The monster of fear.

This is very well done! Amazing game. It's clever, well executed and with a powerful message. Keep it up!

Links to the Past

Rewrite a Man's Fate

Rebuild the past of a broken man by fixing ripped photos and give him a second chance in life, restoring his memories and bonds with his loved ones. Click here to save him now!!

The Real 48h

This game was made during the Global Game Jam 2020 event, with the theme "Repair".

And the Credit Goes to...

All credits to the Garixu Rangers Team, formed for the GGJ2020, composed of...

  • Cesar Augusto (offsite) - 2D Art
  • Dara Ramos - 2D Art
  • Diego M. Cezar - Game Design/Engine
  • Renata Ferreira - 2D Art/Music/SFX

Tools We Used to put stuff together and pray it works  Develop

  • Construct 2
  • PixilArt
  • Piskel
  • Soundtrap
  • oh, and caffeine. Lots of caffeine.

A Very Special Thanks to...

Caroline Campos,  Cleber Tavares Jr. and Glauber "Garixu" Lucas for all the amazing support and feedback. You guys rock!

And to You, Noble Player/Reader...

Thank you very much for cheking out this post and our game. Please leave your comments, as that is very, very important to us so we can take your feedback and improve to do better next time. Thank you.

A broken man, in a broken house...

A broken man, in a broken house...
What is that..? What is going on???
What is that..? What is going on???
OMG!!! It's working! Let's save him!!!!!
OMG!!! It's working! Let's save him!!!!!