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A member registered Dec 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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its not working for me

thanks for the feedback, I wasn't too sure about the brightness, I knew it would look different on different screens but on my pc it looked great. If I edit it in the future will most likely add a brightness control like a lot of horror games do 

What's your favorite cosmic horror videogame? what do you like about it? 

Thanks, there are moving platforms over water and switches that activate bridges, I didn't have time to add more mechanics, so yes, it's pretty basic

I reduced the file size and added instructions

will you be playing games when it starts?

I think I won, not sure, but it restarted to the first level and I didn't lose health. Looks good, besides the lack of sound, the areas you can step on could have been more clear, maybe having them in a brighter color so they stand out. The graphics look cute, well done.

(1 edit)

kitten adventures, fight your way through enemies controlling one of 3 kittens, each one fills one of the classic roles: tank, damage dealer and support. The kittens you are not using are controlled by AI, but you can change control at any time in order to use a kitten's special ability or avoid taking more damage with him. 

no, maya, but it's nothing complex anyway

having each texture pixel match one pixel on screen would not be practical at all

haha, it's supposed to be cute, but I hope not as hello kitty. I'ts going to be an action game.


Look at it

I know there are ways to avoid the pixelated look with 3d assets, but I was trying not to do that, so this is just an 8x8 pixel texture for the whole character, what do you think about it?

Gracias por el feedback. Si aun quieres pasarlo puedes ver el video que puse en el sitio del juego, llego hasta pasar el area 3, luego el area 4 es la ultima antes del boss. Por ahora lo dejare como lo hice para el jam porque estoy enfocado en otro juego mas grande, igual quizas en algun momento haga algunos cambios. (Si quieres ver el juego en el que trabajo tambien puedes verlo en mi canal de youtube)


Gracias, tienes razon, pude haber hecho mas niveles, tenia miedo de pasarme con  la dificultad y que no lleguen a ver al boss que hice con tanto empeño jaja

gracias, si se te hizo dificil entender lo que debias hacer, puedes ver este video, paso las 3 primeras areas del juego 

El juego se ve divertido y funciona bien, pero creo que la dificultad no esta del todo bien, estuve 4 minutos solo disparando huevos sin importar a donde, y quedandome practicamente quieto y no me bajaban nada de vida, tuve que dejar de disparar un rato y esperar a que se mueran todos mis pollos para confirmar que no era un bug, y que si era posible que los enemigos me hagan daño (solo que no lograban hacerlo), tambien seria bueno que los huevos hagan daño, ya que ahora da igual donde dispare, porque el pollo va a nacer y no morirá hasta atacar (no hay disparos desperdiciados), pero si los huevos hicieran daño, ya se le da un motivo al jugador para apuntar bien en vez de presionar a lo loco. Aún asi fue divertido un rato, buen trabajo.

no esta mal que uses otros assets, pero si usas un pack, usa solo imagenes de ese pack, hubieras podido hacer todo el juego con el de "pixel adventure" y se hubiera visto mas pro


buen trabajo, el juego funciona bien y es entretenido por un rato. Te recomiendo que al usar pixel art, te fijes en que los tamaños de los pixeles de las distintas imagenes sean iguales. Es decir, las torres con las que te chocas tienen los pixeles mas grandes, los pajaros enemigos luego, luego el tucan y luego las montañas y casas del fondo son las que tienen los pixeles mas pequeños.

Cool, thanks


(1 edit)

nothing? fix it? expand it? and why? I think I will make some corrections based on the feedback I've gotten and leave it as that. I'm happy with my game and I would like to be able to show it to others in the future "look, I make this game" but without the flaws caused by it being rushed.

Cool, thanks. (the video is unlisted, btw)

cool, where can I see it?

Here is my game

Well done, the controls felt right and the platforming was good. the graphics also looked good

Cool game, the graphics look well done and funny, I liked the twist to the already known corpse mechanic. 


well done, the controls feel smooth and the platforming is fun, the graphics could be better

I'll play your game, here is mine

well done, physics gameplay is always fun

I already rated yours, here is mine