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A member registered Aug 11, 2019

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My first ever game jam here and I feel like I am way in over my head due to lack of my general gamedev knowledge. Up until a day ago I've still been trying to figure out what to even make at all to match the theme. I've been stuck between ideas that might match the theme but sound like it would be the most tedious, anti-fun game ever developed on earth and ideas that sound like they would be fun, but either not match the theme at all, or would be way too difficult to make in a single week.
Now with barely 2 days left I'm not really counting on finishing it in time. Here's hoping that by the time the next game jam comes around, I'll have improved my game design and coding skills and won't be so stuck next time. Only time will tell.

Definitely looking forward to what kind of games others have developed, it should be interesting :)