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A member registered Aug 30, 2022

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These are my stats of only 1 sword from the first mob and enchanting/socketing.

I was feeling crit damage is not working as intended. I could one shot mobs, but when my critchance got around 60% and crit damage was around 20% i stopped oneshoting them more frequenlty. Felt like %crit damage is not multiplying the damage but was overriding it.

Feel like limiting ore/materials is not the right way for an "IDLE" game.

Also, you can level the dificulty of mobs, wich only increase their stats but gives nothing back for the challenge, so its pointless. (Also it works as a funky way, 1x moves from one type of monsters to another, and from 10x onwards moves the dificulty of the mob).

Also, why would you sell your stuff on the shop? Just forge all and use that stats.

I tried the latest release and crafting without emperor rings still works.

How to replicate:

1-Mine enough minerals

2-You need atleast some materials from the 1st stage, if you have no materials it will not work.

3-Craft without emperor rings.


Also right now there is no point in crafting new equipment, sine you can get to inf% really easy with Enchanting and Socketing.

I did redownload, erased save files and same issues are still present. Can craft items without having materials.

Also found another bug: if you press continue with no save file it will just create a blank character with 0% everything and monsters will have 0 life

Also its really common to wipe your progess... 2 times in a row all my items dissapeared, I know they are still there cause my stats didnt drop, but cant craft/forge/anything. Looks like its blank but items are still there.

(1 edit)

I dont know if its fixed in the release, but everytime I press forge all im weaker than before.

EDIT: Ok, stats get "absorbed" to you, the stat display on the items are wrong.

Real problem is you dont need materials for crafting, only minerals. Can go minus on materials even if youre at 0, it will craft endlessly only stopping on minerals.