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(1 edit)

I dont know if its fixed in the release, but everytime I press forge all im weaker than before.

EDIT: Ok, stats get "absorbed" to you, the stat display on the items are wrong.

Real problem is you dont need materials for crafting, only minerals. Can go minus on materials even if youre at 0, it will craft endlessly only stopping on minerals.

Also its really common to wipe your progess... 2 times in a row all my items dissapeared, I know they are still there cause my stats didnt drop, but cant craft/forge/anything. Looks like its blank but items are still there.

I believe thats an old version... do you mind deleting your save file and redownloading the game?? and testing again if it works now?


I believe you are playing an old version.... of the game Dragon Blast...

Do you mind?? deleting your save by pressing windows key + r and typing %localdata% then go to the dragon blast directory... and erase your save files...

Also the minerals and masterials issue were also fixed in the most recent patches...

=>Please I ask you to redownload the game <=

I did redownload, erased save files and same issues are still present. Can craft items without having materials.

Also found another bug: if you press continue with no save file it will just create a blank character with 0% everything and monsters will have 0 life

Will investigate those things...

seisdeos... I made a new patch! And guess what ?? you were right on everything you stated... All those bugs were still present on the game...

I have fixed everything.. btw thank you so much for reportng this... you helped me preventing a disaster launch on steam...

Also... if you find anything else you would like fixed! Please report it!

And please reply back even if you find no bugs just to confirm to me that they were fixed!!

Thankkkk yooouuuu!!! much loveee!! =)