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A member registered Jan 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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The worse horror ever to happen to me is when I cannot even eat my  egg fried rice.  Why did you have to put a tree on the sidewalk where I was driving? lol  I got  stuck. :P

Are you saying you want to harm other people's computers?  I truly hope not as that would be pure evil. :(

This thread is hilarious! :D

You are all so cute! lol I had a laugh reading the comments! :D

I agree with that agreement it sounds like the game may try and break your computer with a virus so I was weary also a change of words may help the developer get more folks to play the game :)

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I am very happy you are not offended by my words but take them with understanding and an open mind.  In that case if you want to change the entire thing or beginning, in my opinion only I would take the game down now before any more people try and play it as many folks may not come back to it later or it may not get as much audience.

Children do talk about meaningless things just as adults do also but keep in mind those who are going to play your game are not children but teens or adults and people get bored fast if a topic drags on for far too long.  If you're trying to portray children, make sure they speak properly some of the words these kids say in your paragraphs the words are too big for first graders to even understand what those words mean, keep it simple and don't try and be too descriptive.  Just let the words flow normally and make sure you have a beginning, middle and conclusion of your story that all ties together.  Good luck my friend I feel you will do a great job!  I would be happy to give it another try once you polish your game off. :)

(2 edits)

I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism on your game.  I tried to play it but I am not sure if it's because of the translation from Russian to English was by an ai or by a human but the translation doesn't make any sense in English.  The game really needs a human touch to translate it properly if you used AI or google translator.  

Also, there are certain things about the game that really need some fine tuning before it's properly released such as some of the dialogue went on forever on the same topic and didn't seem to go anywhere example: the discussion about breakfast revolving pie.  Normally I love pie but spending 20 minutes reading about the characters talking about pie was not interesting.  

The game just toke a very long time to get to anything interesting and no horror was to be found and the game seemed to drag on forever.  I do hope you don't take this in a bad way but if I were you, I would seriously take your game down edit and re-write it to be more engaging and then make sure it's properly translated before uploading it.  If you are proud of something work hard on it for days, weeks or months and then once it's perfect or in your eyes perfect than release it for the world to play. :)  

But I did enjoy the art style it's very quirky and maybe explain on your page a bit of the story so people can understand what is going on in this town, so we feel more connected to the characters and their life as currently I just felt kind of lost.  Every good story has a background not just on the characters but on what is happening to them and what this element of horror maybe about. :)

I wanted to let you know your game seems to have something copyrighted in it?

You can go into the preferences and click english.

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Who knew doing laundry could be so scary? I really liked your game it gave me such a freight!  I loved how you made scary looking things seem not too scary such as the strawberry jam part that made me laugh! :) I can't wait to play more of your games.

Thank you please be mindful I am autistic so I hope I don't offend with my playthrough. :)

You're welcome there were some bugs though when the text would go from English to Spanish.  Also, I hope you finish it. :)

Awesome :)

You put a lot of love into this game, and it shows can't wait to see what you create next. :)

This is my playthrough of the demo game To eat a God.  I am not sure about this one but I had some giggles and enjoyed it so far.  Can't wait to see what is next.  

If you go into preferences you can pick english. :)

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Will this game ever come out?  Waiting chewing my pillow in anticipation!

That is very good!

You know there is no endings in this game yet it's in development.

Awesome drawings.

I really wanted to play it but can't download it as it just goes to web html indexes.  Hope it gets fixed

Making Noodles Scary.  I love noodles so much, why did this game make me cringe now when I eat my favorite food!  

I had the misfortune of falling in love with this cute kitty cat who was something out of a Cthulhu horror book.  There are multiple endings and the game changes each time you play it, which I thought was very cool.   I do enjoy the writing, but it can get a little drawn out and you're just waiting for something to happen.   But love the dynamics of the game! :)


Creepy short game about a Dog the main horror is why nobody is eating breakfast except you.  I am still wiping the coffee off my shirt from that jump scare.  I would have liked a bit more interactions but otherwise not bad except some glitches here and there.

Wow excited to play the new endings! :)

In this game I might be the yandere. The milkman is this handsome but very odd and incredibly dumb guy. I have terrible pick up lines and he has even worse comeback lines.

I had a lot of laughs with this game even if most of it was unintentional. Of course I got the bad ending or spoiled milk ending. I tried to get the other endings but failed.  This game is fun but glitchy at times but I did enjoy it and can't wait to see what you create next! 

Great jumpscare at the end though I made a terrible dispatch also never open a door in a fire!  Fire safety lesson number 1 so this game kind of blew it for safety.  And who goes and confronts a maniac?   Too many frustrating moments but I loved the first two calls.  They were a lot of fun.  I have no idea though how my recording device cut off most of the screen so I apologize for that!  

I came to play this sweet game you had me at cute school girls that looked like furries so I was trapped and boy did I enjoy the playthrough though I must admit that I died quite a lot to get a happy ending. But boy was it worth it.  I would love Patches if he wasn't so deadly to a sweet puppy as me!  I hope you watch me and support me as I could use the support struggling artist. lol 🌹 

I enjoyed this game I found it cozy at times and relaxing and fun jumpscares.  I liked the story also but would have liked to see a bit more of an ending and I accidently broke the game at the end but still tons of fun!  

I will be waiting for the finished product can't wait to see what you create next! 🦋

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Both arrows are facing the same way in.  Not a knitter here.  I would add that ability to skip this game as you see a lot of folks having issues with it and this is causing your game to be unplayable which is a real shame for those whom are not able to figure this out.  In my case when you press the arrow keys on my keyboard literally nothing happens.

I had a full narrated verson of this but for some reason my mic didn't pick it up and so I cried.  Not long after I died..and than I died again.  For some strange reason I just can't get a good ending but maybe there is no happy ending in Love Company!  I know it's just a demo 😉 and I really enjoyed what I played and hope to see a finished game. I love the film noir look of it really gives it a 1940's mystery feel almost an Agatha Christie vibe!  ❤

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The music was beautiful so enchanting and the art-work so fitting and fabulous in your game.  You have real talent for story-telling but I was so desperate for one happy ending for our beloved protagonist that tried so hard to save her kingdom and people.  I hope you create a bit of sunshine in your next game. 🌞

This is one of the most disturbing but incredibly creative yandere games I have ever played.  I don't know how to get the good ending without breaking Nialls heart.  I feel sorry for the little bugger but I am also ahhh Marlowe is dying because of this amoeba in love!  

aww I feel the same way! 🦋

I believe the dev is working on a fix to the yarn game if you read their reply a month ago yet nothing has happened the easiest fix would be just to take that mini game out it provides no enjoyment just frustration and is badly bugged just my opinion I really hope they fix it.

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I wasn't nervous leaving my comment either. 😁

As if I play something and feel it could use improvement I want to try and leave good feed-back or constructive criticism for the artist as I was an artist also and we improve by such feed-back from our audience.  

Also I was hoping you wouldn't just fixate on the comment about the period as that was just a minor detail that I added but more so about the actual characters which is the entire game is about relationships, I feel you missed that all together or ignored it.  

Anyways I wish you well in your next development and do take my feed-back to heart in your next creation. 😉

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Thank you for not being offended by my constructive feed-back.  I have high hopes for your game to develop into something enchanting.  You should play Rose of Secunda and also watch some of Jane Austen movies if you haven't already or read the books to get a feel for the characters and how people acted and reacted back than.  

Also allow the main character to make money not being on the brink of poverty all the time and making it such a struggle your game is about relationships and this portion should really shine not about trying to fight to put food on the table which is more realistic but most players are not here for realism especially not in a visual novel.  Add more charm and charisma to the other romances make them not sexist, or drunk and weak looking.  But real men that someone would swoon over.  Give it a real romance story book.

Name the cat and allow one to socialize with your darling pet.  Make embroidery worth something like being able to sell it perhaps if you have it in game.  Also  give the option of having your main character wear a few different outifts or be able to dress her up for certain occassions with outfits she makes herself people love that ability if you have the skill to do this. 😊 

Also the French guys name is just too weird and not relatable give him something dashing and French that one can actually pronounce.  I can't wait to see more of this development and will be following closely. 😍  One more thing also if you're dear friends with someone you don't call them Mrs. Dunker but by their first name makes her more relatable as a real person and not just some stranger.

I am seriously stuck at the yarn game what am I supposed to do? I have tried to use the mouse my keyboard nothing works?  This is stopping me from finishing the game and I really want to finish this fabulous game.  Can you please take the yarn mini game out it does not work and it's bugged. 😥 Also you don't give any instructions on what to do like do you use a keyboard or mouse to make it work?

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I was really hopeful for this game as I love these Jane Austen Period piece games but the music being played over and over again and being the same piece really got on my nerves.  And that you really have no choice but to become a bad person to be able to succeed also dampened my mood. I do not want to smuggle or be a part of criminal behavior but your game kind of forces me to do bad things.  Also there is only one romance the French guy whom is worth romancing the other two guys are just buffoons. 

Also I would love to be able to socialize with your cat but I can't, your relationship with Mrs. Dunker is basically useless and doesn't really offer anything interesting except the same parlour chitchat and what is the point of the embroidery if it doesn't do anything?  So I really hope you add more to this game and the ability to play as a good honest business women but sadly I don't think this is the case for this game.  

This game has such potential so I hope it does get fleshed out some more.  Also please make your characters actually people you want to get to know they don't really have anything interesting to them and you don't feel anything for them at least I didn't even the mc I didn't really have anything to like about her she just didn't seem real enough.