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A member registered Aug 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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One of the best games I've played in the jam.

I was wondering what the connection was to the theme until I got hit. Very clever. Graphics are simple, but so is the minimalistic game mechanics, so it works. The bloom I think works well to give it an additional polished look.

Nice endless runner. Good job.

I'm digging the unique puzzle you've put together. Very simple but fun. I also love the fact that you took the time to build the tutorial right into the gameplay. Well done!

Just to be clear, the connection to the theme is the micro scale? 

The 2.5D graphics were nice. I like the subtle camera wobble on movement. Good work.

Thanks for the feedback!

I like your ideas, there is definitely some fun things there. 

Unfortunately, I don't think I have the project any longer. This was done a while back.

Hey all,

I'm just wondering what everyone does for game analytics for their Unity WebGL projects?

I've been looking at a number of options, but haven't landed on anything that is easy to implement and contains everything I'm wanting. My main want it custom event logging with additional parameters - such as that supplied by FireBase or Unity Analytics - as well as exportable data.


Hey everyone,

Tomorrow is the last day to try out the demo build, give feedback, and enter to win a couple gift cards. I think I'm still sitting at < 20 entries, and there are 2 gift cards, so odds are still pretty solid.

I'll be collating the names and drawing shortly after it closes.



Hi Everyone,

I thought I would share the current results of the gameplay testing. Some feedback is hard to categorize into a charts, but I've read and noted it all.

The draw is still open until January 31st, so if you haven't, feel free to jump on and contribute your thoughts for a chance to win.

Thanks to all who have provided me with feedback!!


I have closer to 15 submissions now (2 in 15 shot, for the probability folks). 

To let those who left feedback, I've read every word and will be taking it all into account. All of it has been generally positive. There has been some areas of difficulty pointed out as well, but in a constructive manner, which I also very much appreciate.

I have the 2 gift cards in hand, I'll announce draw winners on February 1st. There is still two weeks left to try out the game and leave feedback if you want to be entered.

Thank you all. 

Hey everyone,

Reposting a request for play testers that comes with a draw for 1 of 2 $20CAD Steam gift cards in a couple weeks.

I have less than 10 people entered, so the odds are pretty good at winning one.

PC Download link can be found here:

Note - Feedback has been positive, but I've been told there is a bit of a learning curve. Please review the "tutorial" before beginning. A better tutorial needs to still be constructed.




I've been putting off replying until I had time to give you a proper thank you... but, alas, time is always in short supply.

Thank you very much for this breakdown! It's one of the best bits of feedback I've had. Much appreciated!

As I mentioned, I'll be doing a draw for some Steam gift cards in the future, and I'll make sure you're included.

I have some follow up questions for you, but it may have to wait a few days until I feel like I have some time to give everything some more thought.



(1 edit)


After a lot of head banging, I've made the application WebGL, which should hopefully play in your Mac browser.

Long story short, I had to remove my server connection and the local SQL database. 

Let me know if it works for you now!




I'll have to look into this. The only issue is, I'm using a windows DLL for SQLite access, so I'd have to find a replacement for Mac. Additionally, I don't have a Mac, so I can't even test to see if my replacement works :/

I'll do some research on this...

Are you a word gamer? A deck builder? Do you have a PC?

I'm currently making a Solo Deckbuilding Roguelike (Slay the Spire + Bookworm). The game is playable, with all major systems in place. It has placeholder graphics, and sounds and FX are minimal. Currently PC only (although, I might be able to make a Mac or Linux build).

At this stage, I'm interested in feedback on balance, general fun, and any suggestions. I'd be happy to toss you in the games credits as well!

PC Download link can be found here:



There will be a draw for $20CAD steam gift cards (2 x $20CAD).

- One entry per IP address. Bogus survey data will be disqualified.
- Draw will take place after February 1, 2022
- Please ensure you allow network connections when windows asks. This will ensure that the metrics data can be captured / matched.




(1 edit)

I'm currently making a Solo Deckbuilding Roguelike (Slay the Spire + Bookworm). The game is playable, with all major systems in place. It has placeholder graphics, and sounds and FX are minimal. Currently PC only (although, I might be able to make a Mac or Linux build).

At this stage, I'm interested in feedback on balance, general fun, and any suggestions. I'd be happy to toss you in the games credits as well!

WordBinder by searle (


If anyone deckbuilder or word game enthusiasts care to sample a genre mashup, I'd appreciate the feedback.

Content consists of a single battle right now, but I'd be interested in thoughts on UI intuitiveness and general interest. 

Worm Spire by searle (


Pretty satisfying shooting boxes over.

Load time is crazy slow... I waited 30 seconds, and the load bar only went up to like 15%. Is this just a problem on my end?

Hey all,

I would appreciate some feedback on the following. At the moment, the mechanics are simple.

Dashing (using spacebar) is almost mandatory to not die, and provides some time scaling while holding the button.

Thanks for the quick review!

I agree the game is a bit punishing. I think some difficulty transition would be better.

I am curious as to how performance was in WebGL.

Looks like a pretty solid Mario-like starter pack.

Very cool! Thanks for the update.

Beautiful work.

Are you planning any smaller creatures? Like slimes, or anything of the sort?

Also, is there a general roadmap for this collection? Or is this just being produced ad hoc?

thanks! I'll contact you by email in a bit.

I feel like there is a gap this could fill in the unity store... Just needs a bit of polish :) I like what I've seen so far.

Thanks for posting this for free. Very cool of you.

I started using this for a project, but I'm running into the issue of minimal documentation and a crazy amount of inheritance / delegation being used. I'm finding it pretty hard to follow / debug.

You wouldn't happen to have some unposted docs, or a newer version with more detail would you?

looks cool. The name needs some work, IMO. Dong is slang for penis, which is pretty close to dongers.

Dong is also a sound, but not typically what would be associated with that word.

Hey Sam. I've finally grabbed the asset, and just started playing with it. Looks great.

One question for you -- you have a ladder, so shouldn't your animated player character have a ladder climb animation to use the ladder?

Also, a nice-to-have would be a wall cling / wall-climbing animation. It would be cool to be able to scale or hold a wall without a ladder present.

Might just do that. Thanks!

Love your work. Takes me back to my youth.

Been playing around with your assets in Unity. Just prototyping functionality within the Corgi engine. In the event someone is interested..

If only you had more enemies :)

Looking good as always, Sam.

Very cool game. I'm digging the pixel art as well. You have any intentions of posting any of the low-def art assets for sale?

pretty fun game. good work. Definite a Celeste vibe going.