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A member registered 15 days ago

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no no i figured, i was basically saying im surprised i never thought about this, i went down a 2 hour rabbit hole of checking alot of the games i played and found out alot of games feel like the same world because of the reused sets in each game. now its my head cannon that they are all the same game worl

the house show at the start of the game is the house of the mc in ripples, the game of ripples mentions the town of "winden" which to me just sounds like krendon

i have discovered that the bathroom in that new teacher is the same one as in the game between humanity, shortly after also discovering that lucy has the same room as bradley from the game ripples

alas i have discovered another copy this time it is the shower, the other game i found it in was "that new teacher"

I discovered that lucys room in between humanity is the same room bradley has in ripples, the same action figures made me realize this.

I discovered that bradleys room from ripples is the same room lucy has in between humanity, the same action figures made me realize this.