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A member registered Jan 15, 2020

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Thanks, that's a great suggestion. You have a lot of systems that I also wish to make in my game, like fishing, inventory, weather, farming, etc. It may be too much to ask, but would you be willing to sharing some code with me, so I can learn how you made these features come to life? If not, I totally understand. I am just highly inspired by your work.

Very cute assets and game. I am trying to make a game like this to play on my own, but I am a beginner with programming in Godot. May I ask where and how you learned to code in GDScript? I've been trying to learn based on tutorials and they don't teach me enough to code by myself.

I understand, it may be useful in some instances to not have shadows. However, in my specific case, it would be very useful to have shadows embedded in the sprites, so when I drag them into my game, they already look like they are a part of the world, if you get what I mean. So if it's not too much trouble, is it possible to add a duplicate pack with shadows like in the pics? I completely understand if you don't want to, it probably is a lot of work. I am still very happy with my purchase and love all the beautiful assets. :)

I love this pack! Although, the assets show shadows in the pictures, but when I downloaded and imported them into Unity, paint, etc., they didn't have shadows. I figured shadows were drawn on with the assets, but are they not included?