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Alessio Scanderebech

A member registered Apr 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Ciao Gabriel, la versione multigiocatore è ora disponibile anche qui su itch ;)

(1 edit)

Hello and thank you so much for your kind feedback! As a Warhammer Fantasy player (and Frostgrave, and Oathmark) I can only approve your awesome idea... in next future I may include some kind of "vertical expansion" to the game! Unfortunately translation is more complex than it seems because texts are hardcoded in the source (for this reason I have given up an Italian version).

Hello and thank you!

This digital release is not directly related to the tape release and we do not have a tool to connect physical releases to itch. Please, reach out to the Publisher after the box is shipped to you and I believe they will find a way to share a file, so you can experience the game in your favorite way. 😉

Thank you so much! Warlock of the Firetop Mountain, Lone Wolf, Talisman and Zork were a great inspiration for the game! 

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Ciao e grazie mille per il tuo feedback! 
L'edizione fisica consentirà di giocare in due (sempre con eventi controllati dalla CPU), maggiori informazioni puoi trovarle qui:

Thank you so much! Great news are on the way... ;) 

Thank you so much!

Hello and thank you so much for this awesome tool! Any chance to get also a squared grid? 

Thanks again

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I'd like to share my game:


THE NIGHTLAND is a "board + video" game for COMMODORE 64 inspired by the works of William Hope Hodgson and Otto Wlazlo's dungeon-synth album released by Heimat der Katastrophe. You'll need 6-sided dice and pawns (not included) to play. The pawns start from outside the quadrant and advance rolling the die. You control your character while the C64 brings to life your opponent and the desolate land with all its strange creatures.

I hope you'll like it!
Thank you