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A member registered Oct 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback and encouragement ! I will definitely continue.

(1 edit)

Thank you for giving feedback on my first game! I'm glad you had fun.

I've gotten good feedback about the story so I will continue this project. This was meant to be the first chapter to the game and chance for me to learn RPG maker. I like your feedback and some other people game me this feedback. I will definitely take this to account. I planned to do more but the "weekend" time frame for this jam kept the crunch on. 

This jam was really useful for me because I got familiar with how RPG Maker works. I learned a lot.

I hope so! I've been looking for some more RPG maker game jams and this RTP thing was great because I have no experience changing game assets.
I found two more starting in a couple weeks. and

Fixed! And I found that hole that sends you back to town too. That's fixed. There is another location there.

Thank you for your feedback and comment! I will check out that wind and release another version.