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A member registered Dec 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fala Dalton! Demorei um pouco pra lembrar quem era haha! Então cara, pra construir precisa falar com seus amigos, tem uma menina que é entalhadora e faz ferramentas, e um cara que é carpinteiro e faz porta, cama, etc, tudo de madeira.

(1 edit)

Hello, this game looks really nice, congrats! I played it with my daughter, we had fun! :) Look, I am new on, I am not sure if this is the place to write my impressions so let me know if I it´s not, please!

I played a lot of Towerfall with my daughters and this frenetic battle is really nice, I have some suggestion though:

- Spikes - We died more often by the spikes, that´s not as satisfying as killing your enemy. It´s ok to  take more time killing your enemy, but the spikes show up too fast.

- Environment platform layout - The way the environment is right now, I found difficult to create effective strategies to kill my enemy. I fall more often then I was expecting - so did my enemies - which made it more difficult for me to kill them

- Hearts - Those hearts :) it takes so much time to kill someone that when someone gets the heart, it feels almost unfair.  In Towerfall, since you die with one hit, the chests (which sometimes have the shield that count as an extra life) can be kind of a trap. I used it many times to kill the greedy enemies, whereas in your game, the cost of going for the heart pays off, unless you are almost dying.

In the end, those are some minor GD adjustments/tests, that´s my opinion, I am looking forward to play the next release!

Nice work!

Hello everyone!

I´m here to announce my new survival game prototype, it´s very fast and simple now, even though I put a lot of effort into it, just wanted to get the feeling right, please take a look and let me know what you guys think of it!
