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In this chilling horror experience, immerse yourself in the eerie confines of a desolate house consumed by anomalies set loose by a devastating virus. Equipped with only a camera and flashlight, your sole objective is to document evidence of these sinister aberrations while navigating the looming threat of their lethal grasp. Prepare for spine-tingling encounters around every corner, where each photograph captured could mark your demise. Will you unravel the origins of the virus before succumbing to its sinister machinations, or will you become yet another casualty swallowed by the abyss? This game combines elements of horror and puzzle-solving, promising a gripping and immersive journey into darkness.

You can download Dark Discoveries here for free:

Hi Alexis, thank you for the constructive feedback! I'm currently working on several ways to make the game loop faster and more exciting. Additionally, I'm developing a DLC that will introduce new anomalies and improved graphics. Stay tuned!

I'm glad to hear you gave the game another go! I have some exciting updates coming up to improve the experience further. Plus, i am working on a DLC with a second map. Stay tuned!

Best regards :D

Your video truly warms the heart of this game developer. Thank you so much for diving into Dark Discoveries and for sharing such kind and positive feedback! While the game may not be perfect just yet, I'm tirelessly working alongside the community to ensure constant improvements. By the way today, the update featuring the much-requested English support has gone live :D

Thank you for the feedback! I noticed that you've been playing the game on the lowest graphics settings. To get a significantly better picture, you can increase the graphics in the settings. Enjoy playing :)

Thank you my friend! I'm still working hard on new features and updates to keep improving the game :)