Merci à toi !
Samuel Verschelde (Stormi)
Creator of
Recent community posts
I started the game with a bit of apprehension, because my way of playing (which is more or less fierce beta-testing, even when the beta phase has ended), very quickly produced unsatisfying answers from the parser.
So I asked Manonamora if she was interested in a commented transcript, and a few hours later, I've finished the game, which was longer than what I expected at first :D
So yes, I found many things that I would like to see improved in the game to make it reach higher standards as far as *parsing* is concerned, but I actually enjoyed it nevertheless, and since not everyone is going to attempt to break the game as I do while playing, I believe it's already a lot enjoyable as it is, as other comments show it it.
The ambiance, the events, the people you meet, the puzzles, the story, it's all a lot better than what I first expected from a game intended primarily for beginner players.
Now hoping for a definitive edition!
I already went down, a lot farther than what the linked video shows, and came back from the other side, but I haven't found any switch for the barriers, so I'm stuck there.
As I tried to explain above, I managed to go through it by chance once, but I think that was a bug rather than something expected, as after I was still stuck behind the other barrier, the one that separates me from the swarm.
Hello Triple Eh!
Thanks for offering Cecconoid in the bundle for Ukraine.
I played it on linux (thanks for providing a linux version!), found two secrets (one that gives you 3 power-ups early in the game, another that gives you the 3 shot), got the power-up that is right to the laser chamber (don't know what it is exactly but I got it in case it's necessary to complete the game)... However I'm stuck now. I could not find any online video of someone playing the game up to the point I reached myself, so I'm wondering if everyone just gave up.
I reached the part when you come back to a room you already visited, after defeating several waves of enemies firing at you and then collecting several power-ups including a better shot (a dash, not a dot anymore). But then there's a barrier that I can't go through. Well, actually, I managed to go through it once and I don't know exactly why, but then I reached the room where there's a swarm of firefly-like ennemies that come to you... They're stuck behind the kind of barrier I can't go through. I can kill them though, if I stay close enough to the barrier... Then the door on the right opens but I can't reach it because of the barrier.
I see two possibilities:
* Either I missed a way to open the barriers or to go through them.
* Or the game was supposed to open them but there's a bug that prevents this from happening.
Best regards,