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A member registered Jul 25, 2019 Β· View creator page β†’

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(1 edit)

You are correct!
All the fish in your basket are sold at end-of-day.  πŸ‘

(1 edit)

Yes, Meadow GB is still under development!
I am working hard on the v0.10.0 update, I'd like to have it out some time this Winter.
You can see the latest project updates at or :)

Thanks for having me on Rik, it was a really fun chat!  😁

That sounds delightful, I think Meadow GB is best enjoyed in comfy conditions.  πŸ‘

I’ve never grown rhubarb, only eaten it. 😳
Thanks for the feedback. πŸ™βœ¨πŸŒ±

I am so glad you enjoyed playing Meadow GB!   πŸ˜„
I'm actively revising the core mechanics, so I really appreciate these detailed thoughts and feedback. πŸ™

I have a tentative roadmap for the game. :)
I’m currently planning on doing another point release (0.9.0) over the Summer, then taking some time for polish and refinement, with a full 1.0 release in the late Fall / early Winter.
I don’t strictly structure the updates, I try to let the features come to me as they will.  πŸŒ±

Thank you for the bug report!  πŸͺ±
I removed a debug flag from the cow, so you should be able to pet it without issue!  πŸ„ β™₯️

Thank you for the feedback! πŸ™

I’m glad you enjoyed playing Meadow!

Good luck with your game, I look forward to seeing your progress! :D
Also, thank you for the bug report. 🐜


This is a neat distillation of survival horror onto the Game Boy platform.

It’s a great implementation with an interesting bit of story and fun mechanics.

Stand-out Features

The gameplay works well on the system and despite the narrow scope of the project, it’s surprisingly well balanced for casual play.

It felt tense as I used up my shotgun ammunition and had to approach the gas station with just a pistol!


The player speed is a little slow, it can make the navigation / exploration unnecessarily tedious.

The weapon β€˜swap’ mechanic seemed to be bugged, I had to draw my weapon, then holster it before I could switch.

I’m so glad you enjoyed your time playing Meadow!

Thank you for the positive and detailed feedback about the game! πŸ™
I don't have hardware to test with, so I appreciate your notes about text clarity.
Also, thanks for the bug reports, they are always appreciated. 🐞

Thank you so much for the bug report with screenshots! πŸ“· πŸ¦—
I am glad you're enjoying the game and can feel the love that goes into making it! πŸ™

Thanks for the bug report 🐞 and feedback.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for the bug report! πŸͺ²

Thanks so much for the feedback and bug report! πŸ›

I’m glad you enjoyed the game and got the shears. :)

Meadow GB is a relaxed farming simulator designed for the Game Boy.

You play as a humble farmer tending your crops and animals in the quiet foothills of the Misty Mountains.
Grow crops, pet your animals and finish your TO DO list in this demo!  

The demo takes about 15 minutes to complete.

I hope you enjoy! 🌱