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Rythim Man

A member registered Oct 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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I retried it! Much better! I finally finished decorating the tree!

(2 edits)

This is really impressive for your first game. And you did it as a team too, which is also impressive. Dividing the work makes it easier, but getting multiple people focused on the same goal adds to the challenge. Despite that you managed to create quite the adventure. All and all, I'm impressed.

There are a couple of bugs (when I die as a flea somehow the mouse is right there dead with me). And also, I noticed you could jump on ledges in the background, but there are no visual cues to indicate that. My first playthrough I thought they were just part of the background. I would recommend outlining those platforms, or adding hue or contrast or something else to make it a little more obvious you can interact with those platforms. I'd love to see this game with a little more polish and bug removals.

This game was a lot of fun. I feel like I was able to get pretty far with practice. But no matter how much I played it felt strange using the space key to jump. Left mouse click would have felt more natural in my opinion (point and click feels more natural than point and spacebar). 

Still, really great concept. I like the fact that as stronger enemies come that also gives you stronger enemies to possess. The game gets really fun once you take over the enemies with rapid fire weapons and whatever those helicopter looking things are.

I like the bomb. It's cute! And it can kill you! You should definitely continue to work on it! With more levels and homing enemies this game could be a blast! Pun intended.

Also, unless you plan to sell your game, I think you should keep an HTML version. I like seeing 3D HTML games, it proves that it's possible.

Good job with this game guys. It's got an interesting story and mechanics, and it's also hilarious. Which makes this my kind of game.

I didn't see how it fit the "You are the weapon" theme until after delivering the goods (that never gets old). Nice one!

Thanks so much for the positive feedback!

Thank you! I'm glad it made you laugh :)

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Awesome. I'm following you, so be sure to announce the update when that happens so I can check it out :). I was just thinking the only issue I had with the game was that I wanted more of it.

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This was challenging but fun. I got lost for a second there and the camera made me feel like I was drunk but that honestly might actually add to the immersion!

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I like the concept but there were some things holding it back. There weren't any instructions on how to attack (or maybe I missed them). My guns seemed to work automatically, but none of the other weapons seemed to do anything (or maybe I just didn't know how to use them). The enemies respawning right on top of my character and killing me seemed unfair. Despite that, I did keep playing to see what sort of upgrades I could get. Just need to polish things a bit.

I loved this game! It's very short but very fun, and there are so many subtle secrets that I ended up playing it 3 times in a row. Nice one!

Oh my gosh! I love everything about this!

Thanks. I'll have to revisit that!

Thanks to you I now consider how the wand feels when it's being used to cast a spell. I have a newfound appreciation for it now!

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Very nice game. I've always wondered what it's like to be a wizard. I still don't know what it's like, but at least now I know being the wizard's wand is no walk in the park!

I really liked the how the attacks feel. The animations and art are really nice too.

This game's really fun. Attacking enemies is satisfying. Took me a minute to figure out I can latch onto the gray walls though. I was stuck for a while.

(2 edits)

Thanks. This is a known bug: you technically CAN hold any of the attack keys to keep attacking but periodically the attack will be a dud (does no damage and the animation special effect won't play). We didn't have time to fix this bug before the game jam deadline, but I'll put that on the chopping block for after the judging is complete. Thanks for your input :)

Edit: also, the planned gamepad support should help with that as well.

Thanks! We're already thinking of things we could add!

This was fun!

Thanks so much for trying our game. I'm glad that you enjoyed it! =]

I actually really liked this one. Love the cute poses at the end of the level.

Looks like it would be nice once the bugs are removed. I wasn't able to accomplish much because of the bugs though.

There's something oddly satisfying about wrapping the gifts. Also, it doesn't look like that paper folding and gift rotating effect was easy to do. Nice job!

Good game for all ages. I ran into a lag issue that prevent me from seeing some of the tiles. Other than that, it was fun.

This was fun. I couldn't beat your high score though!

Nice! Can't wait to try with those adjustments.


I didn't realize how terrifying being lost in space would be. Also, I like the art style!

Good concept! I just wish it was a little easier to tell where I could go and where I was going.

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Nicely done done with the graphics and sound. I was able to figure some things out but couldn't get to what I think was supposed to be the end. Though that could just be because I'm no good at solving puzzles.

Definitely incomplete, but the little that was there had me wanting more! I like the dialogue and sense of humor.

Thanks a lot for trying it!

It's interesting that you say that. The slime interacted with the walls differently before but I decided to keep the momentum after my wife and kids playtested it. I'd go into more details but this isn't really the platform for that so if you're interested just keep an eye out for a dev log or too in the future.

Ooh this gave me the creeps! Especially since I actually don't know how to make a cup of Cocoa >.<

Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully once the game jam is over I can figure out a way to adjust this properly.

Thank you!



Thanks for trying it out!

(1 edit)

This game was great. The controls worked really well! And all the cues and hints (power ups, cutscene hints, etc) were expertly executed. I thought I would have been confused by not reading the "How to Play" but everything was so intuitive I caught on just fine.

Between you and me I'm adding this to my collection to play again ;)