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Ryan Moore

A member registered Jul 23, 2023

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The game is a lot of fun to play and it really hard. I feel like the players hit box is a bit too big though. I really like the art style and the sound effects work together wonderfully. The player moves at a good speed making it easy for me to understand where I can and cannot get to. I also did not know where the player was when I first started because the cockroach looked a lot like the potatoes. I really like the movement for the obstacles making it hard to figure out where they are going to be going next.

The game was a lot of fun to play and I love the art style. I really wish the basket was easier to move or make the play area smaller or make the basket and apples bigger because it makes it impossible to get from one side of the map to the other without completely hammering my keyboard like a button mashing quick time event in god of war.

I could not stop playing it! I really like the art style and the music they all tie together really nicely and none of them sound or look out of place. The character moves really well and the bottles are a lot of fun to throw around at the enemies. I also noticed the zombeis can chase you up the platforms aswell and can fall through them just like the player which made the game a lot harder. The only thing I wish was added was a way to get health back so I can keep playing for a higher score.

The game was a lot of fun to play and I like the reference to that old ghost cartoon. I really like the art style and the old fashoned music and sound effects really just ties it all together. The only problem I had was there was no limitation to keep the player in the canvas so I could just fly away off the canvas. I really like the idea for the candles and the darkness it forces the player to focus on a lot more than just collecting lives and dodging obstacles.

The game was very fun to play, I enjoyed it. I really like the music and the sound effects that you used it really matches the games art style. There is only one problem I found and its with the win or lose alert loop that forces the player to refresh the page to play again. I also wish the shift speed was the base speed for the player because the base speed seems really slow and I did not use it when I was playing (I did try for the no sprint challenge and it was really difficult). The game was really fun to play and all of the gameplay and art aspects of the game fit together nicely.