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A member registered Jul 26, 2022

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The game was a decent enough proof of concept. Though I feel like the optimization could be worked on as my RTX 2060 was at 90% load constantly.  Sylvia was... Well, she felt a bit awkard in dialogue.  Though the game did get me interested in learning more about the crypt/dungeon and about Beatrice.

If you wanted to expand on this project, I'd love to see a puzzle game based around it. Could be like Inch by Inch where you're working against the clock. And for where the story could go, well. There must be a reason why Beatrice's curse is about making one woman grow taller, right?

It's surprisingly fun and replayable due to the casual and simple mechanics, and Milky Mode offers a fun challenge that gets quite hectic around the mid/end-game. I'd love to see a debug/cheat mode to change around the growth rate and to disable the mood system so I can just look at the gal for a moment without worries of getting a game-over. Could be either implemented to unlock after beating a mode or just unlocked from the get-go. Oh and another thing I'd like to see in the hypothetical cheat menu is being able to enable events such as the "Your breasts feel strange" event since pulsating growth is something I like.

Oh and I'd love to see more challenge modes or an extra hard mode where you can't just faff about with the drink forever as the customers will grow impatient after a while. Or maybe just some other gimmicks related to her growth.

In summary a great game with a fun style that has had a lot of effort put into it.