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A member registered Sep 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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UPDATE 12/02/2024

Based on player feedback I have made the following changes;

- changed player hit box to central heart on the player character rather than below

- added vocal FX to star shield, 1up and medal multiplier 

- adjusted plasma weapon FX

- adjusted lock on moon ball weapon, should be clearer when the charge is ready 

Thanks for your feedback! Certain sections require a certain weapon. The Moon charge while weaker can home in on enemies and go through objects. The rapid fire weapon is the strongest but requires aiming. The Bomb you only get 3 of but you're right the photon beam is pretty strong! I appreciate you trying out the game. It is designed to be a difficult SHMUP indeed but can be cleared on 1CC after a few tries. Its important to kill enemies early before they fill the screen. Thank you again so much for trying the game and for your feedback

I'd love to hear your feedback good or bad or inbetween :D 

Haha thanks for downloading! Simply kill the skeletons, get to the end with the highest score :D repeat and beat your your high score if you can. Use the practice mode to.... practice. Use the hardcore mode if you are really BIXELATED

Day Four

1. Format coming together: action levels & maze levels with audio driven story telling

2. Changed font type to pixelated 

3. Implemented wonderful splash title I was gifted because an artist simply liked the name of the game :) 

4. 11 mins of gameplay available 

Day Three

  1. Level 2 - Maze added
  2. Story audio overlay implemented
  3. ADOL is pleased. 

  1.  Day Two: 
    1. Added instruction text prompts at the start of the game
    2. implemented scoring
    3. extra life and multiplier system
    4. tuned all enemies 
    5. tuned all segments of level for difficuilty 
    6. tuned all turrents especially for HP
    7. added flavour text 
    8. mapped out a simple maze, 
    9. implemented stage finale and boss