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A member registered Mar 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ooooooo! Just listened to the TABLETOP BABBLE podcast. And this sounds so awesome! Is there any way for me to add myself to the backer list? (I see the Kickstarter is tightly shut.)

Thanks for this game, Tomas. Just bought it after listening to your playthrough on the PARTY OF ONE podcast.

Hey Cezar... Thanks for the update regarding your health and your move. Get better soon, dude. And settle into your new country. And I'm happy to get my copy whenever it's ready. No stress or pressure from my side.

All the best!


John Hiatt's album, SLOW TURNING, has three songs that MIGHT make the list:

"Drive South" (a love song for travellers)

"Trudy and Dave" (a song that features an actual heist)

"Tennessee Plates" (a song about the consequences of being caught doing a heist)

Thanks Sean! Yup... I didn't realise that "copy link" wasn't the same as "grant access to anyone who clicks the link". That's fixed now, so anyone who clicks the link should now be able to listen to Larry's answering machine messages.

Larry Bash is at the wheel of his rig, battling sleeplessness, a broken foot, and a world in ruins. He keeps leaving messages for his aunt Teresa on her answering machine. Will he make it to the Little River Orphan Home to check up on her and the orphans in her care? If he gets there, what will he find?

This audio is Roy Blumenthal's play-through of Sean Patrick Cain's solo tabletop roleplaying game, LONG HAUL 1983. It's set in the year 1983, and something weird has happened. 

Buy your own copy of this intense and enjoyable game by heading to

Stunning game. Exceptionally well designed and written.

I've just started day two on the road. And things are kinda hard. My foot's broken, but I've strapped it to my slip slop as a flexible splint. Yesterday I had to kill someone, and I'm still shaking. And I'm hoping that my 82 year old aunt Teresa and all of her kids are okay down at the Little River Orphan Home.

I truly don't understand what's happening. But my truck's holding it together, even if I'm a little frazzled.

I'm about to hit the road again. I'm hoping there are still other people around. Flash your lights three times if you see me.

(1 edit)

Here are all of the songs in two playlists on YouTube music...

Playlist 1 (tracks 1 to 13)

Card-directed Tracks

Playlist 2 (tracks 14 to 26)

Background Atmospherics

I've set these up as public playlists. The reason I've done this is that Spotify doesn't let free users skip enough tracks in a playlist. You're basically stuck with their random shuffle, and no way to select a particular song from the list. And Apple playlists are reserved for Apple users.

Enjoy using these!

(I found that YouTube seems to arbitrarily add songs to lists for some reason. So you might have to weed tracks out every now and again.)

This is so visually elegant. Makes it ultra easy to determine an outcome without breaking my train of thought, and without exiting my immersion.

Thanks for such a clean and easy tool.