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Roque Romero

A member registered Aug 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Awww, thanks a lot!

Espero que los hayas unido al resto de tazos ;D

My pleasure, thanks for your kind words!

I really loved doing these, thanks for giving me the chance of being part of this crazy project ;D

Oh, yes ;D

Añadida una nueva tanda de organicidades bajo el nombre clave Rhombus

Buenas, he añadido dos columnas, tres banners y una composición a pantalla completa, todas con trazo blanco o negro por si pueden ser de utilidad a alguien

Muy buenas, m alegro de que te guste. Gracias por hacer algo tan inspirador. Como comento en un hilo de la comunidad, la idea es seguir añadiendo cosas a este pack hasta que finalice la jam. Puede que esta primera entrada no sea muy útil a la mayoría, peor trataré de hacer archivos que puedan tener mayor utilidad para portadas, fondos o similares.

Hello there,

I'm writing to share that, out of fear of running out of time for the jam without being able to contribute something useful, and considering that stats (even though Xeno is a very simple system) are not my strong suit, I've taken the risk of releasing a different kind of supplement: an art pack that I’ll continue expanding until the final week of the project.

Until then, I’ll keep this pack free, but afterward, I’ll likely take it down and release a paid version with fewer elements than those I share until that point.

The pack contains PNG images with transparent backgrounds that can be used freely in any way. I may add banners and resources using these initial pieces I’m sharing, but for now, even if they’re a bit unusual, my idea is for you to use them however you see fit.

Best of luck with your entries and STAY XENO!

Muy buenas. Escribo para comentar que, por miedo a que se me pase el tiempo de la jam sin poder llegar a compartir algo de utilidad, y atendiendo a que los stats (Por mucho que Xeno sea un sistema sencillísimo) no son mi fuerte, me he arriesgado a lanzar otro tipo de suplemento: un pack de arte que iré ampliando hasta la última semana del proyecto.

Hasta entonces, mantendré este pack gratuito, pero posteriormente, posiblemente lo retiraré y haré una versión de pago con meos elementos que los que comparta hasta entonces.

El contenido del pack son imágenes en formato PNG con fono transparente que pueden ser usados libremente de cualquier forma. Posiblmente añadiré banners y recursos empleando esta sprimeras piezas que comparto, pero eso, aun siendo unas cosas un poco raras, mi idea es que las podáis usar para lo que se os ocurra.

Muchos ánimos con vuestras entradas and STAY XENO!

Thanks, glad you like these ;D

So it begins... Dying to see how it goes!

Hi there, Nate. I'm a big fan of your work since I discovered it via In The Light of a Ghost Star (Such a delight, so fun to run).
I'm going to DM this adventure soon, using Cairn, and since I had to translate some stuff to Spanish, I was wondering if it is ok to share that Spanish translation freely, or it is a no-no, or even if you would prefer to have that translation and share it yourself from here.

Thanks for all those hours of table fun!

Knocked Anti, for sure... Not a happy egg!

I've been reading several ttrpgs with the idea of running superhero games for some time, and I think Longshot City is finally the one I would love to take to my gaming table. Within its pages, the Troika! system is adapted to allow for powerful characters, with dozens of powers and different origins. Trying to recreate your favorite comic book characters by exploring its tables is already a fun game in itself, enjoying the gret new options you can play with these. However, with the choices it offers, it's best to embrace its madness and create a more random character, in search of a new superhero you have never imagined before.

Even without having an extensive section dedicated to its setting, all entries and tables exude information about Longshot City. The city map is filled with evocative locations where chaos and common (and not so common) adventures can unfold for your game, with a very special mention for the antagonists compiled in the manual. They serve both as examples of the type of characters you can create and help establish more information about Longshot's setting. I find it especially admirable that (except for a few cases) almost all the rivals are characters that may initially frighten or confuse you but are not inherently evil; they just need to be listened to and a helping hand.

The three styles of art presented in the manual, one more epic and cosmic, darker and more terrifying in others, and even a more underground one, provide different visions on how to develop your own adventures. The texts are precise and fluid, and overall, delving into the intertwined world within its pages is a super fun experience.

It really makes some noise, and it tastes of acid chalk (for good)

(1 edit)

Thank you for finding some use for these ;D

Hope they do, that's the idea. Hope to do more or in other genres someday ;D

Hope to see these, glad you find these of use

Glad you like it ;D

Thanks for your kind words, so glad to give something useable with such a cool game

Gad you found it ;D

So AWESOME!!! It really spills the gasoline before the burning match. Reading the book (And translating stuff to Spanish, or I will be not able to play it ever!) and really loving it.

Thanks for the great work. (I have played some Urban Shadows and tried to DM Monsterhearts back in the day, but prefer your take in the genre).

PD: We will need another playlist someday, but mostly with teenage female angst (Some L7, Babes in Toyland, Distillers and their friends lighting the hellfire).

You8 are completely right, will take good note of it in case I fix some stuff around it someday, thanks a lot.

My pleasure ;D

Gracias, apañero ;D

Perfect, so glad these find some use, lots of energy for that project, dyin' to see it

My pleasure, hope you find some use for these ;D

Thanks for your kind words... Some of these centuries I shall do a new batch of these...

It was super great, thanks for doing it ;D

Thanks very much, glad you found use for these... Should add a line in the file about how to credit me, but I'm such a lazy piece of work XXXD

Hi! Roque Romero i more than enough, maybe adding my twitter acound if possible, @RoqueRomeroRua, but yeah, name is only I ask for ;D

Thanks, glad you liked it. Hope to do some more of these soon.

Thanks, glad you liked it, will do more packs, hope these are as inspiring as this one ;D

Great, will do some of these and upload them, thanks for letting me in  and thanks for your great work ;D

Hi there, since I'm afraid I'm not a writer but still love Liminal and would love to collab on the jam, is a free art pack interesting for people working on the jam or mostly nope?

Can do little pack/s of 5 images or so and upload them asap if these can be of use to other people...

Thanks very much, hope to do more some day...

These were done using the MIDJOURNEY AI. The same goes for the background of the first spread.

sounds messy XXXD

Such a pretty weird scary encounter...

4 ever! XXXXD