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A member registered Feb 17, 2022

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After years of playing hard pvz mods, I never could have imagined how much I needed a rogulike pvz in my life. Love this game!

(3 edits)

Extra slot on hardmode. If this makes hardmode too easy then you can just make the waves more aggressive in later stages or later waves in stages. I personally belive hardmode should offer more options (in sense of letting you take an extra babies to a level, thus giving you more strategies you can use) while compensating with much harder waves, to really test your strategic skills.

Add a preview of the level, so you can see the obstacles and pick babies accordingly. I once picked mongo baby in mines only to get a rail in column 2 and 4, making mongo baby only fully useable on column 6.

Pills are really useless right now (except for power pill! really). Once the negative pills are indentified, you can just waste them on a little chad. I found myself never really using them and instead only stockpiling the power pill! for level 3-3. I honestly do not know how to improve this mechanic, but it is worth pointing out it is a flawed mechanic.

If you ever add more babies, please add some expensive but powerful babies. Currently most expensive offensive babies cost at most 200 hearts. I played a lot of hard pvz mods and the 3 general strategies you can usually use are:

1. spam cheap plants (very fast paced way to play)

2. play cheap plants to beat early waves, then start playing expensive plants to beat later waves (balanced way to play)

3. play stalling plants early game, build up sun and finally play expensive plants (ramping way to play)

As there are no really expensive babies the only strategy really useable is the 1st one. Having 3 different general strategies will make for a more interesting game as you can just switch your general strategy when you get sick of your current one.

Edit: The problem here is the limited heart containers, currently on loop 3 and onward, as you are only able to hold  6 hearts (300), making it so the most expensive baby you can put into the game costs at most 6 (300) hearts (example: hallowed ground). As 6 heart containers barely provide any extra difficulty to the game compared to 12 heart containers, I suggest that this mechanic is removed once more expensive babies are added (hopefully). Another problem might be the fact that expensive babies are not as useful in early stages, you can solve this by making a tier system where early game you get a choice between lower tier babies (weak but cheap) while in later levels you get a choice between higher tier babies (strong but expensive).

Edit: After further playing, more enemies also mean more pills, which makes the mechanic more fun in later loops as you are quickly trying to manage yet another thing adding onto the madness that is the 3rd loop (and onward).