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A member registered Dec 04, 2021

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(2 edits)

Thank you!
With that out of the way, I love this game even with it being so short.

There's lots of little mechanical things that feel good, like all the guns being perfectly accurate at every range or how the shotgun is terrible until you learn you can swap weapons to skip pumping it or just how fast mousegun moves!

But most of all it's the sword, that thing really ties the whole game together with the health drops to encourage being aggressive and the freeze frames to give you time to figure out what to do next.

This is a lot of words to say I like what you do, it's clear you like doing it and I'm looking forward to more cool stuff from you.

Also I beat your boss by getting it stuck on a pillar.

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The game saves your fastest time and highest score separately for each area.

This means you can do a fast run and make a beeline right to the exit and then do a slow run after to get every little thing on the map and the game will keep your fast time even if you went slower the second run. 

Hope this helps!

I'm getting a trojan flag as well but only on the 1.1 version, 1.0 version doesn't trigger this. Windows defender tells me this: "Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml" is what it found.

Bug Report: Chef king's sideways slap attack causes a crash if you are dead when he uses it.

I have had the same issue, the only way I have found to play the game now on the current version is to turn my computer's wi-fi off entirely.
It should work then but will still crash on a restart if the wi-fi is back on.

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Interesting, I have this achievement and only ever remember getting books by purchasing them from the various settlements. It's possible I found one by complete chance somewhere and didn't notice having an extra but I wouldn't be able to help you there

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There is one final book in Shi'ari grove offered by the shop, you have to choose to not leave for T'yani grove yet when you arrive there before the end sequence. Hope this helped!

This comment is probably quite late but for those still interested the command: /ignoremod mods/psi/psi.mod.gml

Will cause the game to ignore the otherwise very annoying errors.