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A member registered Dec 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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vaRY fUN GAME!!!

Thank you vary much, you enabled others to create, when I will get money I will 100% donate to this fantastic asset.

Wow thanks for the comment and the help :))

Thanks will remember about tutorial for next time thanks :)

Nice game liked the title name and you have options omg

Nice game only think that i didnt like is going up to slow for me

Thanks :)))))))

Thanks you :)

nice game when it started it got me laughing XD

(1 edit)

nice game great art and voice actors Pog

nice game great music.

Liked the game good art

Nice game but the game was a litlle bit out of the screen

Nice game clean art

Great art good movement overall nice platformer good idea but the explosion scared me XD

Nice game but in the first time the explosion scared me XD

Wow the art is just WOOOW.

Wow nice game I liked the ui alot vary cool but one think that i didnt like that much was that i could become vary fast, nice game.

Thanks for the words glad to hear that)

Thanks for the comment, and the help.

Thanks for the comment , yes the levels were repeating. :) thanks

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback, after level 4 its goes to the first level so you didnt miss anything ;) thanks

Yooo can you pls add webgl version or linux?

 Im programmer and "artist" using unity or other stuff.

I dont have a lot of free time but I have like half hour to a hour in each day.

Discord: DuckRagod#1095

-Animation when shoting,hiting,getting hit and killing .
-Particles effects.

Cool game but no juice :(.

nice game!

thank you .


restriction HAAA For what for have a good time???

Thank You.

Thank You :)

OHH The God Himself Come To Earth To Play My Game, Thank you , Got it 

Thank you Im Happy That You EnJoyed with it :)

Thanks you for your time , and the size doesn't Matter I think

Thanks, Yes  could be a lot more

Thank you,I wouldnt pay for this, music its not my strong side even i had 1 free day that I could spend to make more levels and music  but I was lazy thank you again :).