Neat concept! Good reference on the title :)
Would be nice if there were an “auto-combiner” to automatically update abilities as you munch enemies.
Great work! Congrats on the submission!
Okay, I love that the outsiders are naked with a fig leaf! Perfect choice of music. Great tutorial. Lovely art direction. Really just perfect execution for a game jam.
This is really wonderful. I also like that you support a number of different control schemes. Worked great on my trackpad.
Top notch work!
Yeah, I hear a lot of the same feedback about checkpoints. I wanted dying and restarting the level to be as quick and painless as possible. I think intermediate checkpoints would have helped in that regard, but dying and trying again is definitely a big part of the game.
I’m glad it worked for you the way it is :)
Checkpoints as a difficulty option is a great idea. I hadn’t thought of that, but it seems like a perfect way to balance the challenge.
The art is superb. The atmosphere is just right. The hints at background lore are just the right amount of vagueness. Brilliant execution! Really polished!
My only suggestion would be to color-code the valves and solutions. First, adding some color to the valves would make it more obvious they are interact-able elements (I didn’t understand this at first). Second, there were a bunch of times I’d fill the test chambers, and then forget which valve I used for which solution! (Not sure if I’m the only one to do this)
Seriously though, great work! I love it!
Yeah, Punch Deck’s work is amazing! I put them at the top of the About page because I wanted to highlight them.
Thanks for playing!