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A member registered Dec 17, 2022

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Honestly I'll wait until next time. "Finished" is not how I'd describe my project right now. I wanted to submit it because I wanted to take a break from the project. But I don’t need a submission to hang back. My break started last night. Thanks for the offer though!

I'm a university student, so I tend to assume everything is due at midnight.


See yall at FFS 2025! :'''''))


fish tank :)

fun :) I've always wanted to play Kings Fields but have never wanted to put up with the old controls, and this game manages that feeling fairly well with mouse look. The ps1 dithering and the camera bobbing add a very textured breathing feeling that ended up making for cool breather moments after combat.

There's a visual bug where the crossbow "drops" its bolt sometimes but super clean gameplay-wise

(1 edit)

Regardless of the character I play, this almost always happens. I like all of the main three, and it seemed just a couple days ago that the turn-based nature of the game was making it less toxic than other fighting games. But all of the characters have moves that often make the other person just say "fuck this" like opening with lightning strike or extending your combo with quick slash. I always stick around just because I want to see what crazy thing will happen next, and I thought that was the main draw of the game, but apparently not. I'd rather just play the game with friends now if everybody else will quit out over a 3 hit combo, and I'm ok with that being the scope of the game's multiplayer since its so experimental.

At least the game doesn't punish you for disconnecting other than mocking you in front of the other player, I much prefer that to games that ban you for having bad internet.