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A member registered 57 days ago · View creator page →

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Thanks for your Feedback!

We will look into adding parallax backgrounds and we will definitely add a tutorial!

I think you should 100% continue working on this post jam!

Id like to see a fleshed out version of this!

Nice concept!

But the controls are very slidy and I think the camera should be zoomed out a bit so you can see around you

Good job otherwise!

Hey! Can you make a short list of bugs you found plz?

We have that planned for the future! Thanks for playing!

Thx for the Fedback! We will be working on the game post jam to polish and elivate the playing experience!

Thank you for the feedback! We will definitely put some extra work into the camera.

Noted! We will edit the SFX post Jam as well as bug fixing and quality of life! Thanks for the feedback!

Stress before the storm lol. Amazing game!

Thanks for trying it out! 🤝

Love the idea of the story + the art

It was calm until the rage