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A member registered Mar 17, 2023

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really liked this!  and i managed to softlock myself with the box :D

very good atmosphere !

one of the best eerie forest setting on itch !  much attention to detail . very good! 

very cool ! i think the snake didn't make it into the game ?

great atmosphere !

fantastico!  dovresti fare  "alice asylum" :)

KIOSK by ncbproduction (   is this the same game  ?

awesome game, very po!ished!    best fast food simulator on itch! 

i see there's a "continue"  button ; is there a second ending ?

very good atmosphere! kept me on the edge! 

Niven , steal attempt !  Disort by Dieghostplay (

short but very cool ! 

great game! this reminds me so much of avp games!! the atmosphere in this one is even more tense!!

it took some time , but there it is Shadow Fang 1 by Activiste (

very good atmosphere !  just need some more story ;)

good game! great setting! .  like watchtower games alot!  

nice , very good atmosphere !

good game!

great game and u dont need dedicated graphic card, runs good on a celeron with ig uhd 600 ;)

very cool game ! like the fog effects , sound and atmosphere ! got nearly all 5 endings ; but if u skip the bus stop and go past , is there anything like ending 2 ?

like the new revised demo !  but i like this game since demo1 where i really liked some daylight setting , and the new area past the campfire reminds some

-Fatal Midnight- by qwobii (

well.... can't stand this anymore... ppl stealing other ppl work... damn.... Passerby by hanakoINC (

np Niven !  look like i'm the only one having this wierd problem , so this time i'm just "unlucky" as they say :D   .  i'll watch a  playthrough ;)

mhh no im pretty sure i'm not hitting R key , but gonna try again .  the problem to me happened with the old build , and i thought that with the new build it might be gone but  nope :(  .   Also , when i get up the bed , i tried to immediately run to the balcony and jump down and go to the poor fella , but nope  game reverts back to bed....

game is very good ! , but i can't get past the "press tab to get up from bed" ,  because when i get up and make a few steps , the game reverts back to the bed.... very wierd... am i the only one ?!

np!  i really can't stand the fact that someone can steal so easily a game on itch.....

just to let u know  Home Snatch by taheb (

glad i wasn't the only one who got mouse sensitivity issues , but my message about that got deleted.. dunno why...

game is very good and  very well optimized ! 

very good ! played just fine on a potato celeron 

another little gem !  this is what  happens when u fish in toluca lake :D

well made game !  what is the first song on the radio ? ^^

very very good!  i like this one and lady of sorrow the most ;)

amazing visuals , vibes and atmosphere ! u could make a full game firewatch-like ;)

actually like the game as it is , cozy and relaxed  ;  but i get the critics , game is well  polished , atmosphere is very good,  i think u could make a great one more spooky set in the woods ! ;)

np! :)  yeah  i noticed the filesize is not the same !

agree! its wierd that on itch there isn't a digital protection of some kind

amazing job !

PERFECT SPOT ! by studegaming (  steal attempt.... why ppl do this??