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A member registered Sep 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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So say at the end of the story I can't pick Mira to be my new wife or one that I want to stay with at the end. It has to be one of the made 5? Because I'm not into Brooke at all or Alita

Well all the girls like Chelsea Mira and Vanessa get status updates on there dark lust and Per be add or will it just be the thriples? I am in the hunt for Mira and Vanessa right now plus the one daughter that I am calling her Courtney the red head 

I like this game so far can't wait to get some fun with Sarah. Hope the next update is soon and that the fun with Sarah happens.

Is the last version coming out this month I want to know what will happen

oh ok thanks I was going to say the way it ended was weird to what happen. Don't want to say it since people may not have play it yet.

I'm confuse I just finish part 8 is there going to be a part 9 or was 8 it? Since I got the ending with Emily I don't know if this 8 is it or there be a 9?

I am on the path of Ann right now but I do want to dump her I am more into Jenny and want to be more with her as well with Alex. I hope this game gets an update soon so I can finish my game with Jenny and Alex.

All I want to say is hope there be some stuff going on with Alice. I know she wasn't to kin of MC but I would love to have some fun with her in the future. Like others take your time and thank you for keeping us update on what is happening on like some other games I played and haven't hear any new on what is going on.

depains on what they look like from the face.

I hope there be a way back to Carol after she broke up with me when all I was trying to do was help her out. Hope V 1.6 comes soon

Is this game dead or is it still going haven't seen any new update on this game?

I hope there be more stuff to do other then with Sue for E4. I am not a fan of hers so I hope there be something else with say Angela or Chole as well with Julia. Those 3 I am into more then with Sue.

Is there any news on the update to this game or is it dead.

I hope by the end of the story that I still can be with both Alex and Emily there the two that I really am going for. I already had a threesome with them but I want more with them.

Any news on the next update?

when are you going to add V 18 for public on here?

Is that a new girl in the black and white photo. She doesn't look famourl to me?

will we see the pizza girl again. I was shock when Debbie (Rita) had order food and a boy came to deliver her food and not the Pizza girl. I was doing the Lesbian mode when the boy came to the door.

Does this mean that Nudist School will not be on here to download anymore. Or is this a different game from school? The reason I ask is I can't pay for any kind of streams cause I don't have the money to do it.

I just found this game yesturday and just finish it to the end so far. I just read the comment that we will have to choose the girl we want to be with at the end. So I can't say be with both Maria and Jenny at the end I would have to pick between them will there is all of them but Eva I like. Eva is ok but not one I'm into.

It was on my laptop. I don't have Android. The part that I had trouble with until the end was this pic of her. But the rest of her I could see. But like I said this part came in clear when I was at the end when I took Anna with me I believe it was.

I wish you had put a load part in Anna's story cause when I first got into it I got confuse and was having troubles loading her dreams. I couldn't put my name in it and when I did it would kick me out. It happen to me about 3 times and I wanted to save a part with Jenny cause when it came to her I couldn't see her for some time cause it was all Pixel and I couldn't do anything cause if I refresh it I would have to start over from the begging. But I did get though Anna's dream.

I am wondering if we will get more story with both Allana and Glory been sometime since we had any sceans with those two in the game.

So I will have to wait in Chap. 2?

Just finish the game and I am sad how it turn out at the end. The girl that I pick to be my wife is Luce I had like her from the start there was something with her that stuck with me from the beginning out of the 3 girls that I like. Luce Rhea and Judy. Here is the sad part I have please tell me that Luce survive the fire that happen in the tent. I will not say who did it for people that haven't got that far. But please tell that u had made Luce live. If she didn't I'm going to be very upset about it more on beening worry about her faith like I wonder what happen to Fir.

I fear that she was so I guess it will have to be between Luce [for some reason I keep calling her Lucy lol] Rhea & Judy

Not finish with it yet been back and forth with the demon girl and the dragon but right now you are making it hard for me to pick a girl now. There was 2 at first Luce and Rhea but now there are two new girls and not sure if one of the two new girls is a reg. or a side girl and that is of Judy and the one not sure if she is a reg or side is Tima. These 4 girls I like out of them all. So is Tima a reg or side girl?

Any news on the next update to this game?

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So now that 2.0,1 is out does that mean Chap. 1 season 1 is over and there will be a Chap. 2 or will it contenue from chap. 1? I still have to wait until it goes live before I can play it.

Just like to let you know that I finally got the dance from Samanatha open. I now know what I was doing wrong. When I was doing the drink contest I was always doing the first two and not the Sam kissing and dancing parts. But now I got the two in the dance show open.

Thanks for the info with my girl Jen. As for Sam I've done the drinking game a few times. The first we both pass out and the other two I won but it still hasn't open. Do I need to do it more or what is going on?

I'm having trouble with two part one with Jennifer and the other with Samanatha. how can I have sex with Jennifer I have her up to Corruption up to 171 as shown here also with Sam I can't figure out what I need to do to get this part to open. What do I need to do?

thanks can't wait until I since my teeth into her. I also would love to have a 3 some with Cynthia and Lilly I can see Lilly and Cynthia be a handful with each other and Summer.

Oh the reason I change Haruka's name is I have the laptop computer with the voice action and I don't like how the laptop says Haruka's name. I am more into how they say Haruka from the Idolmaster mobile game from Japan so that is why I had to change her name.

I hope there is more with Luna in the next chapter she is my favorite from all the girls. Also I have change 3 out of the 4 girls names. Rita is now know as Debbie, Haruka is now know as Makoto from Idolmaster and Violet is now know as Miki. So right now the girl that I am trying to be with to the end of the game is Luna. She is just sooo cute and sweet.

Just wondering is Sam going to be a reg. character or a side character. I would like to have her as a reg. to go along with Yun Cynthia and the other girls.

oh good to know and I do understand if you needed a brake. Just was wondering. But thanks for letting me know that it's still going on.

Is this still being work on. I just finishthis last night after fining this 2 days ago and I see the last update was on Dec. 2023. So is this still being work on?

Something that is scaring me with this update to 7.0 and with Scarlett from the past. Since I had sex with the 1999 Scarlett does that mean I am the father to Alice and her sister. I hope I am not cause I do want to have a romance with Alyssa  when I get back to the year 2009 or was that 2019. To me if I became the father of the twins I would fell creepy of trying to make Alyssa my lover and girlfriend. If that is going to happen. I do really have 4 girls in mine who I want to be with by the end of the game.

Is there any update on the next update. I know you may get ask this alot but just wondering on any news to 2.0