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Something that is scaring me with this update to 7.0 and with Scarlett from the past. Since I had sex with the 1999 Scarlett does that mean I am the father to Alice and her sister. I hope I am not cause I do want to have a romance with Alyssa  when I get back to the year 2009 or was that 2019. To me if I became the father of the twins I would fell creepy of trying to make Alyssa my lover and girlfriend. If that is going to happen. I do really have 4 girls in mine who I want to be with by the end of the game.

that will not happen, I think she mentioned that there was no risk sleeping with her 

for me if there is a problem in the timeline like that it will be resolved at the end

besides i feel like this whole travel time is voluntary a bit vague on how it works, we don't know if we can really change the past 

afaik if we change something in the past, it alters the future. it was mentioned that we can't fully avoid things, like somebody dying. you prevent the car crash, but he gets a stroke and still dies but idk about scarlett

yeah that's what I wanted to say, important events will still happen even if we change things in the past. But as I said I feel like the ambiguity is intentional to maintain the suspense.

yeah sounds about right. gives the plot more tension and the player guilt for dating his "daughter"

tbh I never once suspected the fact you could be the father since this post, for me it's very unlikely since it's a really weird topic. You could easily write f*cked up situations with time travel, I don't think the dev is planning on doing these kind of scenario

i don't think mc is the father tbh. dev probably wouldn't go this far with incest. this isn't this type of game. mc will probably think he is but gets proven wrong or sum

Remember that you are traveling 20 year back and the twins are 18 both, so you slept with Scarlett at least a whole year before the time she gets pregnant