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A member registered Jun 18, 2022

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I love how fun this game was. How you would interact with the cats and Geoffrey was interesting and creative. Reading the perrrsonalities of each cat was a nice treat! Too bad we had to fry up our fish, but I figure he's going to heaven with us. 

This was so cute, and the dialogue was fun to read aloud with the music backing it up!

(1 edit)

I got trapped at the locked door you encounter, after getting the third ape. I'm not sure how to move forward other than to restart and see if I missed a key, or something. Fun game though. I love the...basically everything about it. 

*Edit: NVM, I figured it out. One of the dead hunters was covering the switch!*

This was interactive and freaky. Which is what I love to see in a horror game like this one. Graphics are on point too. And that clock man, it was eerie.....

I think this is a game you have to work to get better at, which I'm realizing is amazing for replay ability! It took me a few rounds to get the hang of watching my weight and talent distribution, along with watching what the my boat is approaching. It was nice to be able to work myself in between the narrow passage ways the crackling rocks can make, and being able to find a way to wiggle out. 

The voice acting was so cool and chilling to listen to; which, is just perfect for a game about porting souls across the river Styx!

Side note: moving the characters was a little bit laggie for me, but that might be because of my wifi. I'm not sure. 

Wow. That was an easy game to sink my teeth into. I liked the transitions of the sound bites as your chosen team progresses through their mission.

This game is so fun!! I love button smashing sometimes, and this feels like I can lean into that here.

I enjoy this game, but I guess I would like a little more time to practice making the drinks or look at the menu before the customers arrive. Wow. Reading that back, it kind of reminds me of real jobs I've had where they barely train you before putting a new employee to work.