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A member registered May 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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omg... hi !! i made an account so i could comment !! i found this game because of a moot from twitter; and im so glad that i decided to try and play it~


the art, the music, the story and the characters are all !! so !! awesome !!!!! i can tell how much love and hard work you guys poured into creating this amazing game. i just finished playing it, and i would love to suggest a few things, if possible...? ^__^


[[ spoiler warning! ]]


>> at the near end of the game, when b and c started talking about hisao and their past, there was little to no emotional impact. i hope that a full (? or sufficient? I forgot the word) backstory about their childhood would occur before reaching this point in the game… so we could understand their situation a lot better.

>> when b and n were talking to each other while pushing a’s car, it felt awkward because they were staring at each other the whole conversation HAHAHA I suggest that b maybe rests her forehead on the car on certain points. you could also avert their gazes!

>> I hope you guys tackle a and n’s lives too :0 theyre very interesting characters, and i would like to know more about them.

>> perhaps add an auto play option?

>> i think you should put an indicator on the health, stress, etc bars...? especially if it starts becoming an important aspect of the game. i thought having 0 hunger means b isnt hungry... spoiler alert i made her starve throughout the whole game ASJKFLDJ

>> not really a suggestion, but you should fix the transparent part! *photo below*

HUWAHHH im sorry if I didn’t phrase my words properly T__T im terrible with words… AND IM ALSO SORRY if the suggestions ive mentioned are actually already in the game...

good luck with developing this game!!!!! i know how difficult it is to create one... i applaud your hard work!!!!! *claps*

im gonna wait for the full release of this game ^__^ thank you for reading!!!!! :]