Thanks for taking the time to play the game! Appreciate the feedback :D
Raul Shepherd
Creator of
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Very fun to play and very complex! The difficulty seems to be quite high, and I think it would be very helpful to explain what the powers of each character do. For example I'm not quite sure what the first dude's jump is useful for.
One more suggestion would be to normalize the speed of the characters when going on a diagonal path, as going diagonally currently makes you move faster than horizontally/vertically, so there's rarely any reason to not just use diagonal movement to get around faster.
I love the feel and look of this game, huge props for the cutscenes as well, got me really invested in the fights!
The only feedback I'd have is that the camera felt a bit too snappy, maybe it's too sensitive to the mouse movement - and I guess a secondary option to recharge speed would be very useful. Funily enough, we both made this kind of platforms that increase your health - so we kinda have to improve on the same subject haha!
Haha I love the idea of the player being the dice. I've just recently played my first DnD campaign so this had me interested straight away! The overall idea is very cool but unfortunately ran into a few freezes that had me restart, but I can't wait to see this when you're able to edit it after the jam!
This is a very fun game! And impressively polished for the two weeks you worked on it, in my opinion. Initially I didn't realize where to see my energy so it felt a bit awkward when the gun would stop shooting (seemingly randomly) - but after I figured that out I managed to speed through some of the bosses much easier.
Would love to see where you guys take this if you continue post-jam!
This truly challenged my (lack of) bullethell skills, but it was a fun experience after getting used to a couple of the patterns! One thing I didn't quite get was the spin button and its function, I kept spamming it but I wasn't able to clearly tell what it's doing.
One of my favorites so far though!
I have to say, this game looks BEAUTIFUL! Pretty fun to play, but I'd suggest some sort of visual cue on how to start the game, as I just aimless ran around for a bit before hitting the bell by mistake. With a bit of fine tuning to the mechanics (roll felt a bit too long) this can become a great game!
Very cool experience! I really like the addition of iframes to give this a higher skill ceiling. I think it would be interesting if either the full charge would release automatically, or make it so you can dash while charging. I found myself getting hit most often when trying to go for a full charge (and probably holding too long)
This was a cool experience! The wheel was pretty unfair to me, but I guess that's how luck works! The thing I had most difficulty with is around the jumping mechanic - for one it feels very stiff by having the same velocity all around, and some of the bosses change their direction instantly as I pass them, making it so the biggest challenge of the level was not falling on top of them.
Looking back at it I realize the controls need a rework. It initially had a few more speed stages which gave you finer control, but thought it's complicating it too much. I found the game felt much better on a controller, even for me who I knew how it was supposed to be played haha. Thank you for taking your time and trying it!
This is a very cool idea! If I was to make a couple of suggestions I'd look at some sort of charge meter to understand when you spun the attack enough, and an option to skew the camera towards the boss as I've found myself fighting them off screen due to how hard to dodge their attacks is when you're too close.