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A member registered Aug 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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I didn't really want to provide an estimate I would just blow past when I posted this, but right now it's looking like at least another two weeks. Maybe more like a month in the worst case.

Thanks! I'm working on the next level, it's possible that it will take a while.

These are both things that are in the game, but not as noticable until after the 50% mark which is the approximate maximum in the first level. You don't actually get slower, but you have to deal with a bit of momentum at higher weights, and all the sounds pitch down linearly with your weight. Hopefully the full package will be very satisfying!

Thanks! The basic idea is Half Life + MDK by way of e621. The soundtrack (which I did not make) is doing a ton of work to sell the late 90s shooter vibe.

Thanks! I was specifically going for Half Life OST selecting the soundtrack, Half Life 1 is a major influence! I might add a downward force on the stomp. Also marked the file for Windows, thanks for reminding me.

The game isn't super well-optimized in its current state, unfortunately. I should probably look into adding some more quality settings, but lowering the resolution might help.

Yeah, it seems like it's an issue with the code I'm using to create save files. I'm currently working on a fix for this.

I'll see what I can do about this. I experienced some long load times starting new games in testing, it might just be taking a super long time.

I'll look into this. I experienced some long load times starting new games in testing, it might just be taking a super long time.