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A member registered Sep 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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thank you for the friendly advice i very much appreciate it and i will learn from it

not really it was  just a joke game

thank you I really have to improve on my polish but I am glad enjoyed it


I like it it's a cool spin on Pacman 

that was very fun I love that you really made your own ai well done

very good I think that it looks like a mix of portal and a ball pushing game

it very simple concept and very clean presentation but the controls are a bit sensitive but over all very good

I like it once you get a hang of the controls its very fun

I like the game it was a simple concept pulled of very well

I certainly see what you are saying and really appreciate your input.   I had trouble when it came time to explain how to move because you don't move on the dice roll you move on the next turn by how much the number is on top.

yes but i made it in time

i did not send the game in time but i finished it in time could someone help with me sending it in  was my bad here is the link thank you.

Mini Jam 52: Summit community · Created a new topic game

my game for some reason did not get submitted to the jam I just wanted you to know that .

do you know what the theme is

so funny lol :)

hello I also wanted to know what the game jam theme is:]