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A member registered Apr 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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They're original compositions - but I'd say at least half are leftovers that were originally written for other projects. I also set them up to play with a somewhat random pitch, so that they sometimes play at a slower speed and sound like a different arrangement.

This is the second time in a week I've had some positive feedback on the music, so maybe I should give another chance. Maybe with more of a music-focused game next time...


The Hypetrain: a mobile convention center, whose rails run from city to city sharing the technological wonders of next year to an excited gaming community. But a sudden surge in natural disasters in recent years has resulted in 99% of all attendees to send a remote drone in their place. When these drones, and the train itself, are hacked by a mysterious Troll army, the sole human occupant must fight for their life, their only defense being the modular components of an outdated H.U.D. (Homeowner's Utility Device).

I've decided to share a few of my older Unity pieces on this site - while this one is pretty clearly far from a completed state, it's a bit more playable than some of the other experiments I have lying around. I like to think the rough edges here are more charming than they are frustrating - after all, part of the original concept was to hint that the player was actually stuck in a half-completed game. That concept might not really come across, but there are some fun bits of fragmented worldbuilding here and there. I'd still like to return to this universe someday, and hope you all enjoy this rough peek at what might someday find its way into a more developed game.