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A member registered Apr 20, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I mean, for example placing a guy in red then yellow to make him orange.

Very interesting concept. Love the cute cat. I don't think I can fully understand all the hud numbers that's the main issue for me. Good job!

Very nice and cute graphics, gameplay is fun. It's nice to see more pico8 games on the jam. I got to level 20. At some point I didn't know why I wasn't completing the level, until I realize the little guys exploded over time, at that point I only let them stay in the paint and released them once I knew I had them all. also I was hoping I could combine colors to make things more interesting.  Anyways, very cool concept!

Very nice and cute graphics, gameplay is fun. It's nice to see more pico8 games on the jam. I got to level 20. At some point I didn't know why I wasn't completing the level, until I realize the little guys exploded over time, at that point I only let them stay in the paint and released them once I knew I had them all. also I was hoping I could combine colors to make things more interesting.  Anyways, very cool concept!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind comments. I'm aware of most of the issues.

 I would probably remove the die on collide thing if I make a full game after the jam.

The base code for the platforming is a little buggy and I would 've like to improve that as well, just as the music, I know it's a bit repetitive at the moment.

Also needed more time to test levels that's why the end might be a little rough.

I think part of the fun here is trying to figure out the mechanics, but here is a little help:

The theme relates on how it tries to break expectations for this kind of game, this becomes a bit more obvious once the spikes are introduced on later levels.
Speed: If you keep walking the player eventually will change color, this means its max speed has increased. If any object in the environment also changes color at the same time, it means it can be interacted on that speed when crashing into it, for example killing enemies, reaching the goal, or collecting gems.
Score: In order to get 100% on a level you need to collect all gems, and NOT killing enemies.
Spikes: here spikes can't hurt the character, they are used to bounce, bounce higher by holding jump. Also they mantain your speed by crashing into them.

I feel this would work better with multiple small levels instead of a big one, otherwise very good idea!
