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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, it only seems to be visible if you have sex with a female partner. Even when you're riding another man's dick, you can't see your own, which is a bit weird.

I also like the skirt idea. Maybe two flashing buttons, top and bottom, with different effects?

I can confirm it is possible to win with all four currently-available characters. Marika and Efa are significantly harder than Peleno and Renco, but that seems to be intentional.

What does the "special" gauge mean?

Some questions:
1. Why do you have to wait 10 seconds for each video with nothing on the screen?
2. Am I correct that the payoff primarily depends on spamming the "cut" button in the edit window and has nothing to do with how long you actually spend in the sex scene? If so, that seems really weird. I'd like to see some sort of choice or technique involved in the sex scene, rather than the editing. (Even spamming a button there would be better---say spam the button to thrust or something like that.)

Do you know when improved gamepad support and custom keybinds will likely be available? Just as a ballpark?

Does the fact that you're working on female Aether mean that masc/fem Affinity is finally going to mean something soon?

I love this concept. Looking forward to it.

I noticed a layering issue in Nika's animation: Her paw goes behind her stocking but in front of her leg. Also, wow she has big paws! They're as big as her torso!

The worst bugs seem to be:
1. Some commissions can't be fulfilled even though their requirements seem to be met. E.g. I have one for a "gray fair catboy" and multiple gray fair catboys (including one with no other traits), and it won't satisfy it.
2. Sometimes hybrids get duplicated at creation; I once had my hubble filled with copies of the same catboy.
3. "even" hybrids don't seem to display correctly, and breeding with one seemed to cause a crash that required rollback.

(1 edit)

It would also be nice to be able to rename them later, after they are grown up.

Also, some sort of name generator would be nice; it's hard to come up with names for all the babies, but no fun for them to all be "Feline 3".

I think there is the start of a really good game here.

Here are a couple suggested titles:
Monster Girl Breeding Project
Hybrid Breeding Project
Operation: Hybrid

Basically anything indicating that these will be monstergirl hybrids would both be useful information, and sound more appealing than "Untitled".

These all sound like great changes. I'm looking forward to the new build.

My guess is they'll add it. There was certainly no lack of it in SpunkStock.

Well done. You really managed to capture the classic gameplay experience while adding on some great new features. I'm particularly fond of the wingmate abilities; for once your wingmates actually feel like an asset rather than a liability.

No particular plans at the moment, but I'm open to the idea!

I seem to be stuck in a very early part? It says to go to the English class, and I go there, but I can't interact with anything or anyone.

I love how expressive the animations are. In most VNs the characters just kinda stand there (which is of course much easier to implement); but these people move and react and really feel alive.

Getting kicked out of EA for that is really saying something.

I would definitely like to see more story and character.

It really is an emotional roller coaster.

I noticed that sometimes she will ask the same question twice in a conversation. Is there a way to avoid that?

Sexy and adorable! I only wish it were more complete.

Your perceptions are clearly distorted by porn. This looks like about 8 or 9 inches, which is actually quite large.

I found it a little too easy overall, but I really liked how edging him actually works.

Very little content so far, but what's there is pretty good. Looking forward to more.

I mean, maybe it's not your cup of tea; but surely it counts as something.

(1 edit)

This game clearly needs better explanations, and preferably an option to set keybindings. For several minutes I couldn't figure out how to talk to people or pick up anything.

It's pretty good, but it feels weird to have two categories be "Asian" and "Real". Pretty sure Asians are real.

I would also like more options for hiding, like in the closet or under the bed. If you only win a round by completing the task, then you wouldn't simply want to hide all the time.

I agree with all these changes. Looking forward to it.

Those all sound like good additions. I'm looking forward to the completed version.

I mean, it's accurate, isn't it? This game has much darker themes than most of my work. I think I'd rather people know what they're getting than be surprised by it.

I've always kind of assumed they are some sort of targeted fur dye. Might need to be re-done periodically as the fur grows out.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that.

Right? Why is that so rare?

I wholeheartedly agree on all points.

Yeah, either give it back, or give some small affection gain. It's obnoxious to just lose it and get nothing. (Also, she specifically said she liked wooden jewelry, so the fact that she didn't specifically ask for it this time means it's worthless?)

A different way to make successive notes important would be for the "Combo" count to actually do something, which as far as I can tell it does not. Some sort of bonus score multiplier you get at certain levels of combo (or even literally just +1% score for each beat per combo, so a 127 combo is +127% points) would provide incentive to never miss a beat without making you suddenly fail because there's one fast section of a song you're bad at.