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A member registered 67 days ago

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Very sorry for the late reply, but yes I currently have a Discord! Please message me on Twitter/X @RaincloudsNTea though, I don't want to just give it out here. XD

I can help with music if you want to! I like bullet hell games, so it would be nice to be part of a project about it.

Hello! I make cute music! I can help out! Feel free to go through my Twitter/X or SoundCloud for examples of my work.

Hello! Are you still looking for composers? You'll find most of my recent work in SoundCloud. I like making ambient instrumental music, but I am flexible in terms of style. It would be cool to work on this project because I also like making more dark music as well. Hope to hear from you soon!

Hello! Maybe I can help with music. I am always eager to work on projects that challenge my skills.

Hello! Sent you a request on Discord.