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Radioactive Sugar

A member registered Sep 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for that compliment! The validation makes it so much worth it :D

Thank you Satyam! Appreciate the love :)

Nice and fun!

Haha! Thanks. There are multiple endings though, I hope you got few more than one :P

Interesting Game! I really like the soundtrack though

Really cool! It has the loop hero kind of game progression, but the simplicity of the game just instantly got me hooked!

thank you so much ! Your words mean a lot :)

Haha, I totally think you can become a backbencher though if you try harder! But Thanks a lot for playing :D

Hey everyone! I just uploaded my first game. I'm quite excited to share this. It's based on a game jam theme- progress is failure.

Its a short game about a nerd who wants to be a backbencher which is quite relatable to me. So I hope you can give it a go once and tell me if I should keep making more games 🤔

(2 edits)

It's quite fun when you realize how you have to keep hooked on the points. But it's too difficult from the start, maybe you could make it a little easier so people can get hooked to the game a little at the start. (no pun intended :P)