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Rad Dykal

A member registered Dec 01, 2019

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Dang, I genuinely can't get past Bozo.

I didn't think I would get hard locked so early on, but here we are. Even when I just gave up being diplomatic and just reached for the stab every time. I just couldn't do well enough to get past them.

That's it for me.

This was a really nice game, it wasn't trying too hard and the protagonist seemed like an alright person.

I'm so sorry to complain about this but the game doesn't "lock" my mouse movements, so I had to disable my extra screens to play. I just wish ONE level of complexity was removed from this to make it easier to handle, like mapping the robot punch and block to keyboard buttons, instead of making me have to leave the tower to press the buttons, OR making the hammer just drive in nails as long as I hit it, instead of having to flip the hammer head, OR making a nail hit not knock the mouse away too hard since I'll accidentally hammer in nails while trying to grapple as I move around the tower.

I got the bad end despite clearing the 100% tower height needed so I'm not sure if I was missing something. The whole thing is definitely some frantic fun though, I loved all the art and it's definitely one of the cooler ideas I've seen in the jam!

Glad you updated this, because I loved it on my first try! The Heavy dice that stay on the board are genuinely the best part and makes you do the most thinking about actual future moves, I'd love to see more dice that incorporate some kind of bonus beyond the turn you play it on. 

(Like they reroll the existing dice you're currently holding onto or help boost the chance of getting another dice like it out of your bag next turn) 

Really you could do whatever you want, the concept is really solid!

Marvelous work!

It's a really interesting concept, but ESC shouldn't instantly kick you out of the game with no confirmation, I accidentally did it twice to myself..