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Clara / quixoticduck

A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love it!! Is it possible to finish? I'm not sure if I found all of the places. :)

Oops, I never replied to this before! Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :)

Thank you! (Sorry, I've only just seen your nice comment). :) 

I found bird-travel to be very efficient :)

(2 edits)

Can't believe Rainbow Sugar Go! is now a decade old :)

Thank you! :) Sadly we didn't have enough time to add in a section where Duck is reflecting on which of his grandpa's belongings to hold on to but I like what we did get done. I've added a few more images and menu options since the jam, as well as a proper ending.

(1 edit)

Arghh! never seems to tell me when you reply to one of my comments! Not with an email and not even with a notification when I log in! I only realised you'd replied because I went directly to look at my comment again!

Ah that sounds easy for me to screw up, knowing me! :) Maybe if I import all of the objects (and sprites/sounds/scripts too?) to their own separate folder within my project it will be easier to see I've imported everything successfully. Perhaps I'll wait to try it until you do you update (I saw you mention an update in a comment above), because changing a local/global variable based upon a selected answer would probably be a thing I'd use. :)

I don't know much about uploading to the marketplace, but I know somebody who bought a copy of GMS1 through the Humble Bundle and then realised it's not for Macs and never used it and probably won't ever. I wonder if licenses can be transferred or gifted through Humble Bundle or the GMS website...  Maybe she'd be willing to do that. Although I thought standard GMS1 was free now? I guess I don't know much about how the  marketplace works, perhaps it's a different thing altogether! I think a lot of people still use GMS1? and your dialogue system looks like the best thing out there, so it's a pity it's not on the marketplace, but still really great that it's available here. :)

I guess with entering text, as I don't think it's an option in this dialogue system? I was worried that whatever text-entering system I created myself wouldn't match the visuals of this system, but I forgot that I'd probably want to restyle this system (even though it looks nice already) just to make it unique to my game, so maybe they wouldn't be so difficult to match up after all. :)

Thanks! Even though I've not yet decided whether to use this or use your tutorials to build my own system I will try this out as well and see if I can get it to work and manage to customise it to how I'd like :)

The only thing is, I've never imported anybody else's assets/projects before. I remember attempting it once and completely failing, whenever I did 'import' it just opened closed my current project and opened the downloaded assets project on its own. Do you know how to import assets into an existing GMS1 project? Also, if you were to update this project after I'd done so, would it be very difficult for me to get the update, or would I have to do re-do every step again and any changes I'd made.

Thank you!

Ps. I like how there's the option to answer people/choose replies. :) I think that aside from the option to enter text (I was going to have an option to name a cat and have the cat's name be referenced occasionally) this has everything. :) In fact, it's probably not worth the hassle of me even trying to figure out the cat thing since I'd probably only be using such a mechanic once or twice. Maybe I'll just have its name be multiple choice! xD

Also, this entire page is well put together. Like the nice gifs, were they easy to make? :)

Oh yeah. Why didn't I think just to put then all in collections... 

(2 edits)

Thanks for your suggestion :) at least I've got the collaboration on my profile now!

It's only annoying that we can't choose where it's placed and have it at the top of our pages.

My only (somewhat) decent game is a collab. I'd like to have it on my profile... Does anyone know if this is ever going to happen. :(

Wow, this looks slick! Will it work with Studio 1? If so, I'm now torn between continuing to follow your tutorials for dialogue and just being able to skip that and get on with the rest of the game by just using this! Eep! :)