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A member registered Jan 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

MARS BIOGINEERS is a $7 half-hour long character based adventure with a tower defense endgame set on Mars in its early terraforming period. Choose to play an engineer, a cyberneticist or a biologist, each with a unique endgame unit and vocational strength. The more you unravel what the off-the-rails megacorp terraformers are up to, and the more resources you collect along the way, the stronger you'll become. Piloting this release only on prior to Steam.

Megacorps are up to no good on Mars, and it's up to you to find out before it's too late!

Mars Bioengineers: Link to the Game

(2 edits)

Deploy to the caverns under a Mars terraforming station where you discover it's just a front for another sort of operation: the sort with designs for regional conquest! Your choices during your infiltration result in RP, the currency for unlocking several different tower defense buildings for the endgame.

In order to survive, your choice of three commander characters must learn to dodge globs of acid spit and the deadly mandibles of war roaches, take down some mutant horrors freshly escaped from their labs, and think up an optimal configuration for your base buildings, a base which can be attacked from multiple sides.

The trailer:  Mars Bioengineers trailer