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A member registered May 02, 2020

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(1 edit)

Yo, I had a blast playing the demo. The game has such smooth intuitive controls, cozy retro aesthetic and pleasing sound design (except for the boss' hurt sfx), I was enthralled jumping and dashing around the first level. The premise is nothing to write home about, as everybody and their dogs has seen the ruins of an ancient civilization trope, but the characters are clearly its strengths; I can't wait to see what other characters (namely twinks) await. It's also cool to see a well-rounded game loop for a game so unapologetically horny and honest about its themes. Ironically enough, the adult themes is where my main complaints lie: the thing is I prefer playing with Axyn in his skimpy outfit and I was annoyed whenever the game forced me into nudity; and the h-scenes I got, while well made, felt kinda sudden and broke the flow for me. It might go against the very core of the game, but I hope a filter option for nudity outside of h-scenes is later added, as well as maybe a skip/fade to black option for those who wish to focus on the platforming. I would add that it would feel much more natural if you had to go out of your way to get the h-scene or made the choice to play them when given the option, instead of the game dropping them on you unannounced.

Good luck on finishing the game! I'm looking forward to its release!

EDIT 21/02: Just sent you ten bucks as support!

(1 edit)

I had a really good time playing the demo! The level design gave a lot of freedom in exploring the world, there was enough ammos and resources scattered around to make the experience balanced, the secrets required a certain amount of attention but aren't as cheaply hidden as they can be in classic shooters, and the dark yet colorful graphics give a nice retro atmosphere - a sort of mix between Quake 2 and Doom 64. Enemies have some cool designs and the AI does a nice job keeping you on your toes, especially on the hardest difficulty. Finally, the weapons feel good and it's all so satisfying to blow monsters into gibs with the TNT or grenade launcher! My only slight bother was the heroine's sound effects: her grunts either sound too high pitched or too deep. I'm not fond of the head for the health icon either (it feels too much like a model out of Reboot), but that's a real minor detail.

An extremely good impression overall. I'll be following the game's progression. Good luck with the development! ;)

I had a great time playing this demo! The skills are fun to use and a really clever use of weight gain and inflation for a platform game. The game also has a lovely aesthetic, with its bright colors and comfy music.  I would love to explore the full extent of the character's abilities in full-fledged levels !

The controls are simple, the presentation is neat and the shooting feels good! However, I didn't feel like playing any more after the sixth or seventh waves, as by that point I felt like I had seen eveything the game had to offer. More enemy variety would be a first step toward a more engaging game! Also, I suggest removing blood or giving the option to turn it off, as it causes huge FPS drops, and disabling spawns near the player to prevent mindless spawnkilling - or, alternatively, making the enemies temporarily invincible but harmless upon spawning.

I've been watching this project from afar and I'm really glad to hear things are moving along! Kudos and keep up the good work! ;)

I'm looking forward to get it on Switch! Congrats on making it this far!

Cute and funny concept that plays well!

I came for the Mega Man Legends graphics and I stayed for everything else. Delta-Gal plays well, with a nice set of moves. Wall kicking take time to get the hang, but it's very satisfying to move and shoot around the levels. The game has a lovely presentation, with plenty of beautifully detailed (and bouncy, for some) characters. The demo offers a nice share of challenge, but I think it could use one or two adjustments:

- The hammer enemies strike really fast and I think they could use a short pre-attack animation so the player can tell the exact momentto dodge.

- Maybe the boss' damages should be lowered a bit. It's extremely hard to dodge its laser near the end.

That would be my take. I had plenty of fun and I hope this game gets to grow, improve and develop its own identity!

(3 edits)

No problem, I'm always glad to give constructive feedback! (I haven't read anything similar to the bugs I've encountered on the 1.3 update though...)

I just tried the Hard mode and, I'll be honest, I didn't get far and I didn't see the point considering Normal mode was already hardcore as is. It made me want to add further remarks and suggestions:

- On top of adding a beam to VM's roaming mode (I'm thinking of a white light), I think it would be more balanced if he didn't go into chase mode the moment he sees PB, or at least not when he's at a certain distance. The player could be spared a lot of retries if he was given the chance to avoid being spotted by getting out of the VM's beam before it goes to full yellow. Meanwhile, the VM would stand and look intrigued as if he was thinking "Wait, is that the brat over there?" before he either goes into chase mode ("YEP THAT'S THE BRAT OVER THERE!") or goes back into roaming mode but first heads to where PB was standing - "Hmm... Could have sworn I saw something".

- You should maybe consider other mechanics to help the player sneak around the VM, like using objects to momentarily distract him, like that "sound box" in Alien Isolation. I'd rather avoid anything that could stun him or scare him away. You want to keep that unstoppable force of nature vibe to him.

- I'm not fond of VM's aggressive mode causing him to dash around the house. It mostly triggers a lot of unfair retries. One way you could spice it up is making the span you have to get out of his line of sight shorter.

- I really hope the release version will have a larger map with more ways that connect the rooms together. I spent most of my tries in Hard mode hiding in the bedroom and getting out only to meet the VM in the living room and being forced back in. It really doesn't help that only one side of the map has hiding spots and venturing by the kitchen is near suicide.

I don't feel like I give you enough credits though. I like the way you dispose objects around the house: you won't find a plate next to the kitchen, nor a toy in mom's bedrooms, which forces you to take risks and move between rooms. The voice acting is on point. I can't stress how adorable PB is. And, as a long time Bionicle fan, I love the Rahkshi toy model.

It's definitely a project worth seeing through. With the right balancing, I can see an additional "endless mode" where you are still cleaning the house but also trying to reach the highest score before the VM ineluctably catches you - with maybe some extra content, like unlockable arts and skins for PB and VM, as rewards to keep the player invested;

(2 edits)

I was quickly more scared than frustrated at the start, but when  I understood I could pick other objects than the plate, I really started having fun. The concept is original and well executed, the presentation is charming and the Vacuum Man is one badass antagonist.

Still, I have some remarks:

- I first thought it was unfair you couldn't run until I really grasped hiding in closets and under the bed. My only grip that remains is that there is no room with a hiding spot near the kitchen and the washing machine (and then again, I was lucky enough to get to the garage before the VM spotted me) , which makes it you don't go to these places as often as you would with the bedroom, the garage and the office.

- You persevere in checking around and avoiding the VM, but I still think there could be an indicator to tell you where he is, so you don't meet him around a corner and you're pretty much screwed. Maybe his eyes could emit a light similar to the ones when he sees you or he is in aggressive mode, to indicate he is in "seeking mode", so you can see him coming.

- I wish the respawn was randomized after the first checkpoint. Each time I spawn inside the bedroom, the VM spawns near and the first thing he does is investigating it - often twice. It slows down the gameplay when you want to be on the move and makes hiding redundant since there is no stake like high anxiety to take into account.

- I don't know why but the door to the bedroom couldn't be opened nor looked through near the end. I would be all right with it if it was meant to add some challenge, if only there was a symbol to indicate that you can't use it anymore and if it didn't get stuck while I was inside the room. I was forced to restart because of it.

- Toward the end, when the lights go out, the VM stopped running around and stayed in the kitchen. He didn't do that the last time I went this far so I assume it's a bug.

+ EDIT: You might also want to increase the width of click boxes for objects, so it's easier and faster to pick them.

Still, I had a great moment. Navigating around the house efficiently and emptying those rooms felt extremely satisfying. I'm really curious to see the final product!

Nice! The fact that it protects in all directions is very appreciated for a Zelda-like!

I got stuck at the  second level of the waterfall, but I'm enjoying it so far. The pixel art is very pleasant (and I say that as someone who's not too fond of pastel), the animation is nice and smooth and I love the fighting mechanics! Yup, that's looking real good.

The sprites are beautiful, the movement and animations are smooth, the backgrounds are gorgeous and the guns feel amazing.

My only complaint is I wish there was more ammo, or at least more packs around, considering how quickly you can burn through them - the pistol is just nowhere near as fun as the rest of the arsenal. I also wish there were more checkpoints or at least some additional lives like in Eternal ; getting far and having to start over again can be a bit frustrating. By the way, the shooting reaction of the zombie soldiers is also a bit too fast when you're close to them, it makes it hard to kill them without taking damage.

Still, those details are minor compared to the rest of the experience. Kudos!