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A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice game :) Wall jumps over lava are quite hard, but got to the end

Seems like doesn't work. JS console:
> Error: Can't run project: no main scene defined.

Horrifying zombie sounds :D

Nice pacman clone :) There are some bugs, like one ghost got out of the maze somehow and if you eat scared ghost and then eat a big circle again, it resets the ghost

Nice platformer :) A lot of annoying trap jumps though :D

It's possible to dash into walls, you can check if player will collide before dashing with Area2D

In level 2, the enemies move with crazy speed, so it's easy to lose all 3 health points, and then you need to start at level 1 again. Looks nice though :)

(1 edit)

Hmm, my browser just hangs when I click start

upd: seems to happen on many 3D games, so maybe some Godot + macos bug

Running speed feels a little slow, but nice platformer :)

Feels repetitive, but good result :) Maybe to make it more interesting you could spawn a few leaks and each leak would have a different strength, so you can plan a path to run

Could not figure out how to play it. Maybe you can a description :)

Would be nice to be able to shoot with mouse click. Also "bounce off enemy's projectile" mechanics is kinda unexpected if you don't read the description first