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A member registered Aug 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks! You can actually press Escape to pause the game and return to the menu, but I forgot to mention that in the description on the page :c

Appreciate you checking it out! I'll upload a small update with some balance changes and polish soon.

Yeah I'm awful at rhythm games, especially ones played on keyboard like Stepmania hahaha. No idea why I thought it would be a good idea to make one but oh well. Once I get into a groove I can do okay even on Pro, but as soon as I start missing some it just snowballs :c

Thanks for checking it out!

There seems to be a bug that locks up the Unity player (no crash logs or anything) but I can't track down or reproduce it. I originally chalked it up to my version of Unity since it only happened once while working on the game, but I actually just had it happen once in the WebGL version uploaded here :c 


Thank you! My girlfriend made the art and she is really good at making cute animals. She actually made several animations but sadly I ran out of time to implement any of the animators, which is why there is also no victory screen when you "win", haha.

I'll hopefully get around to finishing this idea and uploading a more polished version soon with all the animations, sounds, and levels (not for the game jam, but a separate project).

Haha, thanks! I'm planning to upload a finished version sometime soon since I liked the idea so much - this one will actually have proper levels and animations. If you're curious, the jump sound can easily be achieved yourself in Audacity if you shift the pitch of your voice up 5-10 semitones haha

Glad you like the artwork! I actually had some animations for it but didn't get to hook up all the animators. And nah, you're not stupid at all - the lack of animations means I also didn't have the victory/success animations working when you find the cake. The plan was to have a little victory animation and then load the next level, but I had some people visiting from out of town and had to stop working on it earlier than I would have liked.

Thanks for checking it out though! I'll have to look into that physics exploit you mentioned...


Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Yeah I really wanted to do more with the idea of remembering where the platforms are each time you reset. I even considered making like an "infinite runner" or Flappy Bird-style game where you just see how far you can get. I'm still playing with the idea even after the jam so we'll see where it goes!

And yeah, unfortunately I had to stop working a few hours early to go meet some family that was in town, so I didn't quite get to finish up all the victory animations/conditions. Thanks for checking it out though!

If you're curious: you can record yourself saying "oof!" into a microphone, and using Audacity just shift the pitch up 5 or 10 semitones and you get perfectly cute sounds, haha

Sadly no - I had a couple levels/scenes built but didn't get a chance to hook them all up with the victory animations. Had to leave a few hours earlier than expected, but oh well! Thanks for checking it out, haha

Great idea with solid execution! Curious to see what sort of projects you'd get up to outside of the context of a game jam.

Haha, I actually considered that for a mechanic where you can switch between players (as if you were just switching which controller you were using) but decided to leave it like this for more humor. Thanks for checking it out!

thanks man! Sadly the art is courtesy of an awesome pixel artist on the Unity Asset Store by the name of Ansimuz - he has a lot of great work and several for free use.

I appreciate you checking out my game! I primarily do dev work but it's fun to mess around with art assets which is what this weekend basically was for me. I'll check out your game as well!