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A member registered Dec 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for everyone who voted for me! I'm happy with the position I got and cannot wait for the next Postcards from the Front! This was my first and for sure not last jam, and my first time making a board game. Thank you!

First game jam ever, and board game ever. This wasn't my best work what so ever and I kind of got lazy, but the next one will be great!

I don't think we ever see the Confederates side in most Civil War era games. Very unique idea!

Ah forgot to explain this in the rules. You roll if there are going to hostiles in the break room, otherwise you are able to leave.

Apologies for the wait, but the printer friendly edition is finally up on the INFILTRATION game page. The rules may not come out right, but you can just read them from the PDF. Thank you for taking interest in my game!

You got it!

The game is updated! Thank you so much for the suggestions, they really made the game better!

Glad to join this jam!

For the difficulty of the rooms, I had an idea for the room to be able to subtract a certain number towards the dice count. And would it be good if the player could have an option to not choose violence, but roll to open a vent (if they are unable to roll the correct dice count they must clear) . Love your ideas!

Unique idea!

The art style is a chef's kiss! 

Thanks for playing!

Once the room is searched it cannot be searched again. It doesn't really matter what order you do it in, but I recommend clearing and then searching, but yes they just go to the next room and repeat these actions. If you have any suggestions on how to make the game better I would love to hear them! This is my first EVER game, and I would love to hear feedback.

I was wondering this as I have no idea how I am going to incorporate a deck into my game. Do you just have to have at least 1 item (i.e dice or a deck of cards)?


pokinte - first time jammer

Played this numerous times on Tabletop Simulator, and had a ton of fun! Thanks for making such a great game! I might enter this Jam. Got any tips?