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A member registered Feb 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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> why does it only work on Firefox and not Chrome?

Looks like there's more to it; linux/chromium isn't receiving the serialized wasm module when calling AudioWorkletNode.port.PostMessage

I'm going to try another platform after I can update the game when ratings are over. As a sanity check, I compiled a hello world wasm module with Go and tried to post it, also fails. The failure message, which can only be seen by setting `port.onmessageerror` in the AudioWorklet, only provides the very informative MessageEvent "messageerror" with no trace or anything :D

It's probably something silly on my part, this is definitely supposed to be supported.

wasn't loading at first and then remembered I was using emacs 30 by default :D

The game played great, loved the spells, the AI was running one of my pieces down for a minute there; certainly something I'll keep around for fun afterward this jam too.

I really enjoyed this. Ran the love version as the web version wasn't registering right click or hovering over armies. I wouldn't have minded a slower resolution of battle so I can watch the resolution of each round similar to playing CK2 on a slow speed.

I have a kid a little older that got involved, learned to use blender from a youtube tutorial, and rendered a sword modelled from scratch bc, well, that was the tutorial! It's been fun going over comments and reviewing other entries together while discussing the next iteration of the game.

I mean, clearly I need a pet cow now, how else am I going to get my dream job?

looks like you have functional spike, I just used my imagination to fill in the gaps where I was a medieval fighting version of ratatouille based on the items available

Because early on (like december and hoot 0.2) I decided to init audio context on page load. I carried this code over and only found out last day that chrome requires a user gesture before it will allow starting the audio context.

Of the time I got to work on it, most of it was figuring out how to get the hoot 0.2 stuff to compile on 0.4 because I'm a scheme noob and didn't understand import changes. With all the technical details identified now I'm going to make it more user friendly and will do an ANN on mailing list afterwards.

The game jam was a great spark to get back into things, much appreciated!

it's a noise cancelling game, I should have made the initial sound on load go 50/50 between cancelled and not (green and red) and then one would just slide the 2nd slider to zero while green to lock it in; would be a good intro.

Instead the first sound requires use of both sliders because I was loading things I found complex and interesting while working; terrible first-user experience.

Going to replace the two sliders with a single X/Y grid since apparently this runs well on mobile firefox; didn't try that until after jam.

This was pretty fun! I enjoyed the text based details as I scurried away. At one point I ran into this error; I have no idea what's useful for lisp debugging so just a screenshot of state below:

very fun! enjoy the resource management of bombs and the path recap at the end

oh I thought that was chrome only, thanks for letting me know!

Understandable, I only got two half days to work on it and most of that time was resolving technical challenges instead of making user friendly but will address that after this jam.

Thanks for trying it out!

Definitely! I'm going to replace the two sliders with a touch grid (most likely), then allow interacting with modes through buttons to fix chrome support which will also allow experimenting without attacks.